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Friday, November 01, 2013

Last week, we visited Madam Cheng and Madam Wong and it was my 2nd visit to both their houses.

As usual, Madam Cheng’s house was already clean so we mostly talked and watched television shows. I was a little worried at first as I was the only one the group who could not speak nor understand Cantonese, but thankfully, my groupmates translated parts of the conversation and I tried to guess what the rest of the conversation was about. She talked about her life, and also imparted us some useful cooking tips, such as how chicken would be nicer if you reheated the chicken after leaving it in the refrigerator overnight! I feel that it is always interesting to talk to these elderly as they are cheerful and I always learn new things from them.

After which, we visited Madam Wong seemed to be quite cheerful that day. Madam Wong can actually speak many languages, such as Chinese, Malay, Cantonese!  We helped to tape her floor as the wheelchair damages her flooring rather frequently, and talked to her, mostly about languages and food.  Madam Wong seems quite the gourmet as there are always interesting snacks in her house!

I feel that every visit is always meaningful and there’s always something to learn from them, be it life experiences, values etc. I hope to pick up dialects quickly so I can finally hold a proper conversation with them! J


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