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Saturday, March 22, 2008

A New Name!!

Dear Volunteers...

For those who don't already know who I am, which I hope not... I'm Jasmine, Chairperson for CSC TOUCH Seniors RVP.

I would like to anounce our new name over here at our blog, for the benefit of those who aren't one of our volunteers and hence isn't in our yahoo group.

We will be called T.H.E seniors from now on. T.H.E stands for Touch the Heart of the Elderly in short.

The dots in between the "T.H.E" were introduced to further emphasize on the meaning behind the name.

So from now on, we'll be called "T.H.E. seniors", when you all write follow this style k... We can still be called "Touch" for convenience sake, since the first word of our name is still Touch (as in Touch the Heart of the Elderly, not TOUCH Community Services).

Hope everyone will grow to like the name!! =)
