I didnt quite know what to expect, but Shuang Shuang, Joleen and Kiah Yeen seemed really well organised and knew exactly what to do. While Shuang Shuang asked Mdm Tan what she needed us to do for her, Joleen and Kiah Yeen started checking the expiry dates of Mdm Tan's food and also checked what kind of medication she was taking.
It was nice that Mdm Tan is the only elderly we had to visit, as we could spend quality time with her. She seemed a little out of sorts initially, so Shuang Shuang started our HTHT by asking her how she is feeling and she told us that she misses her son who is in the hospital due to kidney problems. The motherly concern that she shows for her son really touched me and really inspired me to do the same for my children next time.
Then, we changed the topic and chatted with her about random things, before we 猜灯谜 and ate 月饼. For our forfeits, we sang and Mdm Tan sang with us too :D She got really high and sang a Teochew song to us all by herself!
Mdm Tan cutting the mooncake ^^ |
Our 'family' photo |
On the whole, we managed to cheer her up quite a bit, though the process of saying goodbye was a little heart-achey. Looking forward to the next visit (:
Sofina Ng Chu Quan
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