Mdm Chow Moi's hands. She will always wave us goodbye until she is sure that we have entered the lift.
Yesterday, I went to visit Mdm Chow Moi before the visit started. Usually I would chat with Mdm Chow Moi and make her laugh. I think she sees me as a comedian hahaha!
But yesterday it felt different. Her clock had stopped working and she didn't realise. She even asked me if it was a Thursday. She may seem all cheerful everytime we visit her but she has her worries as well. She told me she is afraid of going out herself because she will feel dizzy at times. And that sometimes she will have problem of constipation (but she will solve it by drinking tapwater) She also has problem sleeping every night. She is always bothered that she has no teeth.
All these must have been common sources of problem for our elderly. I felt helpless yesterday, except to know that I can buy battery for her clock. But come to think of it, the best thing we can do now is to make her laugh. Make our elderly laugh. It doesn't matter if it makes us look like fool, like yongjian with his pompom hahaha, I feel that what matters is at that very moment, our elderly is happy and not thinking of anything negative. As long as everything comes from the heart I know they will feel it :)
My group went to visit Mr Chiu as well. He seemed better! At least his tummy seem to be coming back HAHAHAHA! But he is still troubled by his slow walking speed. He even voiced out loud, "Don't know why am I walking so slowly." But I think music really work wonder:) We suggested for him to take out his cd player to listen to songs. From his expression while listening to the songs, we can tell that he has temporarily forget about his health condition, with the music healing his wounds. Ahhhh 好想念愛唱歌的 Mr Chiu:) I am sure it won't be long before he is willing to 高歌一曲:)
Ah Xian~
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