okay let me give u a warning im never gonna post pictures on blogspot again omg super hard and irritating zzz. so pardon me for the messed up formatting in this post cos, i already spent half an hour sorting and it just cannot be done :((( please dont mind the mess!
I had not been to kallang for about a month plus, and i feel so happy and comfortable to be back! saturday was only my second visit in recent history and i had a good time (:
yulin, jennifer, wenhui, pinjin and chunhai were in my group, and we first went to mdm ho's. believe it or not (i find it hard to) this was my first visit to her place other than once during facilitation. i've heard abt her and her fav ah hua haha (who obviously was mentioned again) and also cos kaisheng (yang meh meh) told me he go to her house for food/drinks hahahaha.. but anw she started off giving out hokkien instructions to us and the team started to disperse into cleaning basin, dusting carpets, mopping floor etc. i stood around trying to act busy but couldnt find anything to do cos i couldnt uds hokkien!! but eventually i spoke with her in canto and got to converse a bit (:

but in the end chief sculptor wen hui led the way and we made a snow man! it was not easy to play with the clay cos somehow it sticks easily and thus no mistakes allowed :( eventually our 3D snowman turned out ugly :( i wish we had better skills man. maybe we didnt know how to handle clay also.
and later on we folded some flowers and frogs etc and put it tgt so it looks less lonely. wenhui and chunhai also helped to fix the gate! if you have been to her place you would know it was difficult to open her gate (left door) as the wooden planks were touching the floor. but the two manly guys fixed it all :D while the feminine ones (yulin jennifer and ME) folded paper flowers etc omg. mdm ho noticed too and laughed/scolded me hahhahahah. i felt so useless at a certain point of time cos the art product was ugly, really but she kinda had to display it in her house. i hope next time we can do something much nicer for our elderly so that they will proudly display it instead of displaying it out of courtesy and actually its not very pleasing to the eye. at least the gate's fixed!!
we then moved on to mdm cheong's. when we reached her place, the other group consisting of the very noisy year one de jeraldine, multi talented knows 400 languages xueting, very tall can qiang jing tou and can wipe windows de 绿茶 lijia, and i havent found a nickname for her yet kiahyeen just reached so we all about 8 of us made the place v noisy haha. did some cleaning here and there and i washed some stains off the toilet floor for her. i was arrowed by year one de =.= to mop the floor but i enjoyed it too!! haha. the rest of them snacked and drank some cny goodies and listened to stories and looked at photos (: time was running short so we didnt make the clay thingy though.
i feel happy to be at mdm cheong's place again becos she is very energetic and happy to see us and i am too! when she sees me she will exclaim: 香港仔!! in canto haha. she recognises me as the one from hk. and since jeraldine and xueting (what language does she not know??) also speaks canto she conversed for a while in canto. i feel very bad when such situation occurs cos i know the rest does not uds or only uds a bit, just like how i dun uds hokkien and feel lost. sometimes i try to reply in mandarin so that everyone can get into the picture, but i noticed that mdm cheong likes to speak in canto! the first time i visited when she found out i was cantonese she scolded me for not speaking canto to her until so late. haha so i guess she's kinda happy or proud or comfortable with her roots in that sense and i hope i get more chances to speak to her in the upcoming weeks :D
my feedback for the clay session is perhaps for this kinda activity we should start with 2D and not 3D which is much more difficult imo haha.

overall i really enjoyed myself in the company of elderly and friends on saturday morning.
oh and one more thing, when i was talking to mdm ho, she asked if im year 3, okay the answer of cos you will know im not cos im year 4 hahahha and she would ask me if i had a gf. similar to how uncle lee likes to spy and ask on the volunteers if they are seeing anyone. i think its very heartwarming to actually be on the receiving end of such questions, it kinda made me feel like they do care a lot about how we are doing and thinking for our happiness etc. and there had been a handful of "requests" by our volunteers for me to bring my plus one one day for a visit. although it might be out of cheekiness and kpo hahahhaha but i'm happy to feel the concern from you guys too (: i'll let you all know again when it happens!
and since we are on the topic, i would like to say that for young singles out there hahahaha there are quite a number of good catches (in my opinion) in t.h.e.s. and sometimes there might be some shit stirring going ard and stuff but dont be disturbed by that and keep your eyes open O_O haha he or she might just be around cleaning toilets wiping windows with you on beautiful saturday mornings.
and to my dear dunman high junior miss teo who exclaimed that if its me blogging she'd need to scroll a lot, i hope i granted your wish. cheers pals!
- year four de kai him aka 7000.
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