Hello everyone (:
Still remember the first time I went for THE visit 1.5 yrs
ago with friends, inspiring seniors and welcoming elderly.
Always looking forward to Saturdays.
Hope the new volunteers feel the same way and keep coming
back (:
Was very heartening to see so many volunteers today.
Looking forward to similar 熱鬧 days in future (:
And thus, today we
only visited one elderly per group.
My group went to Mr
storey BLK 63 uncle who preferred to be known as ‘ah pek’ was visiting Mr ong
Mr ong is a very
clean and tidy man. However, he has difficulties with bending to reach the
Thus, we helped out
with cleaning the floor under the beds, which was very dusty, and mopping the
whole place as well.
Had a chat with Mr
Ong and understood some background of his taxi driver past as well as his
operation in February to correct the cheekbone/jaw positioning which is
hindering his right eye from opening properly.
We also asked about
the shows he liked to watch as we tuned in to a documentary of dinosaurs.
The way he asked
whether it was real or fake was quite cute, especially when another scene
showed a comparison of a real ostrich to the CGI T-Rex.
Such interaction
has been missed, and was refreshing for me.
Been missing visits
due to being away for Love Export and thereby also missing Major Outing. (sad
die me)
Been interacting
with children too much haha.
I guess what was
learnt in Cambodia can be applied to what we do here locally.
The importance of
appreciating what we have and to always be thankful for what life has given us.
I believe the elderly often show us how important that is as well. Their
relatively simpler lives with that bit of extra color we try to add has always
left them thankful for us. However, we are more indebted for the invaluable
life lessons we take away from every visit, from their experiences, their
wisdom, or just the simple appreciation of happiness in simplicity. Appreciation of simplicity and being content
can define happiness.
As what our fellow
volunteers always reflect upon, we always have something to learn as we
continue on our volunteering journey.
Apart from giving
back to the community, it is also about developing ourselves as individuals,
and seemingly having more to gain then any beneficiary we might come in contact
And of course, with
this blog or any sharing session we may have, volunteering requires reflection
and introspection.
As boss 940 always
says, we should always remember the purpose of what we do, hold on to the reasons
of why we are volunteering.
Reflection is the
first step to self development.
Check out our very own VM Ms Teo, with a maid at home but working hard at cleaning the floor (:
Stepping out of our comfort zones has often been the way to grow.
As the semester
kicks off, hope that all fellow volunteers continue to enjoy doing what we do,
learning together as a family.
Hope that new
members can join us in this fruitful journey in THES, where not only we get to
make a difference to others, but also to ourselves deep within.
Wheeee all the best
to everyone for the new semester!
THES huat ar!! (:
- Crissonified
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