I am sharing on my first experience in T.H.E Senior first official visit on 1 Sep 12. Before the visit many things are running through our minds before the first visit, like who are we helping? what are we suppose to do? Can we cope with the chores assigned? Uneasiness and lost is the best words to describe.
Getting ready for the day: Waiting for Bus
On our first visit, we was being assign to Mdm Ho. Mdm Ho is a very cheerful and open person despite of her deteriorating body. We started off with basic household chores like changing bed sheet, mopping the floor and cleaning of toilet. It is a simple chores that we don't do or take for granted with parents or maid doing the jobs for us. Among us some are having their first time touching a mop or lifting a bed, but nonetheless we completed the jobs given.
Changing of bed sheet! Remember to flip to the other side of the bed! =D
After sweating and getting the place clean, we had a sharing session with Mdm Ho. She shared many stories of her past, from her overseas experience to her husband being a tennis player. Though this session I have learnt much that I that I have never got from the classrooms. Many things run through my mind.

Sharing Time conducted by Mdm Ho!!!
Some thoughts that worth us to ponder about:
1) Are we caring enough towards to the elderly? Why are they not feeling the warmth?
2) Are we doing it with sincerity? Why are they thinking that we are there for CIP or 'marks'?
3) Are we taking our conducive life for granted? Why ain't we doing chores for our home?
4) Are we going to be as cheerful as Mdm Ho when we age? Or will we feel helpless?
There are many corners that are conceal in the dark corners of society, we should lead out our helping hand whenever we are able to and share the light and warm we have.
To end of my first post, this is my first visit to TOUCH Seniors Activity Centre @ Geylang Bahru but it will never be my last visit! Looking forward to meet my second SENIOR! GO!! =)
**PS: I am very happy to receive a message that she remember and mention me during the senior visit yesterday.
~Woon Yong =D
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