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Sunday, July 08, 2012

Visit on 7th July 2012


My group (Wynne, Camy, Jeremy, Chaurann) and I went to visit 3 elderly today - Mdm Cheong, Mr Tan and Mdm Tan.

We went to visit Mdm Cheong first. As usual, she told us where and who to clean the different things in her house. We mopped the floor, cleaned the windows and chairs, and also cleaned the door and window of her toilet. Her gate was recently painted blue so we didn't need to help her clean that. She still looked cheery and strong:)

Next we went to Mr Tan's house. His wife was in as well. They asked us to remove the cloth and plastic wrapping on the 4 black rollers of the cupboard they had near the door as there were many dead bed bugs in them. They were saying that the bed bugs love to hide in such places as they are black in color. After removing the cloth and plastic wrappings, Mr Tan equipped himself with a face mask and baygon (or whatever that spray he used to kill the bed bug is called) and got ready for BATTLE!.... WITH THE ROLLERS! Lol joking. He basically sprayed the rollers with that baygon thingy before we helped him wrap the rollers up with plastic and LOADS and LOADS of tape. Heard from his wife that she got the plastic from an event where she and Mr Tan invited to go for. The cutleries for the food were placed in these plastic bags so they collected 4 and took them home for this very purpose! Haha shes so resourcefulXD She was telling us that she likes to collect alot of such things as she said you never know when you may need them:D Their bed bug problem seem to be solved as we do not see any bed bugs running around. But that could also be because they had the bed bug killing people coming to their house 2 times that week. We will know if the bed bugs is completely removed when we visit their house the following week. Hopefully they are all removed:) They also received a new bed, a clothes closet, a fan and 2 new chairs if I remember correctly. Hopefully with these new things and the old things thrown out the bed bugs will no longer be in their house:)) We stayed for a while longer to watch tv with them before heading over to Mdm Tan's house.

Mdm Tan had recovered from her cough just that during the visit she did feel that her throat occasionally got itchy causing her to cough. We advised her to drink small sips of water whenever she felt the itch. We helped her to mop the floor and cleaned her fridge. Camy was tasked to clean her fan and like a pro she dismantled it, cleaned it up and and fixed it back again:D

That's all!:D

Signing off

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