I am so sorry because I was supposed to log for the previous time but I totally forgot what happened for the last visit I went for. So i tried to made it up by volunteering to blog this time:p There were relatively few volunteers for visit. There were only 8 volunteers for this visit. My group consisted of Swee Fen, Chen zhang(I am sorry if I got the spelling wrong), Yi An and Yin Min.
We visited Mdm Tan first and made the momento for her. She was very unhappy and stressed because it seems that her elder son was hospitalised and was going to be discharged soon. But the elder son's wife is a Malaysian and was not in Singapore to take care of the elder son. The elder son bought a flat together with his brother, but the brother seems unwilling to let the elder brother stay in his house, so they suggested to let the elder son stay in Mdm Tan's house. But Mdm Tan was worried that she could not even see properly and could not even take care of herself, how can she take care of the son. Furthermore, the son seem to have kidney problem and have to undergo dialysis. She is very worried about the hospital bill as well. When we are making the momento for her, she said actually we no need to do this for her becasue she cant even see. She said it is hard for her to feel truly happy nowadays=( Feels really sad to hear her saying that. She said she is already living on her own so that she wouldnt be a burden to her family but now her elder son has to contract such an illness. So if we do visit her in future visit we should try to talk to her more, encourage her to face life more positively. Also she has been coughing for almost a month already. If we do visit her in the future, do make sure she takes her medication. Because she said before due to her vision problem, she will accidentally pour her medication away, causing her to be afraid to take the medicine because she is scared that she will waste the mediaction. (my English sucks, please pardon me=x)
Next my group split up. Yi an, swee fen and chen zhang visited Mr Chiu while Yin Min and I visited Mdm Chow Moi. Mdm Chow Moi told us her house is always very clean because there is a female volunteer who will clean her house almost daily. But she doesnt know where the volunteer was from. She say she is happy enough that people are willing to help her so she doesnt ask much. Always feel very happy when I see her. She is always so positive with life. She says she like to watch tv show with little kids/youngsters fighting. Haha. She also say when seh feels hungry at night she will just wake up to eat some biscuits. And we realised her house really have alot of biscuits. We also played with a torch-light thing in her house. We were rather fascinated at how the lighting will change everytime we pressed the button.
Last but not least, we visited Mr Lin! His house was not very clean but still better than the first time we visited him. There were rice grains all around his house. Yinmin realised he has the (do u call it special?) ability to spit rice out even though he ate kway teow for luch@.@ There was a stove on his ktchen floor and when Yi an asked him about it, he said it was bigger than what he preferred. So he didnt use it. We also threw some spoilt brinjal and biscuit away. He keeps alot of drinks in his fridge. So when we visit him in the future, we should check whether the drinks has expired already or not since he could not see clearly. I invented a way to mop his floor which is rather effective in removing the stains on his floor. (right yinmin?=p)
Yup that's all for the visit yesterday=)
Sheng Xian
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