Okay the result of blogging only 2 weeks after is that... I've only got super vague impression of who I visited -.- so! I shall blog about the experience! (well that's kinda the main takeaway too right! :x)
When I arrived, I was told to go to the house with "the most slippers outside". (guess who gave this kind of description?) So I did and when I was looking out for the unit with "the most slippers outside" (okay lah actually I was also given the unit number so I was looking for it as well), this ahma that was mopping the floor suddenly pop her head out and said "你在找我吗?" LOL so cute right! I thought she looked familiar because I did the sample namecard of her so I kinda stared at her face long enough already haha. She's none other than our cute Mdm Cheong! :D
My group was mostly done with the deco already so after putting them up, we went to Mr Lim's house! (reaaallyyy relying on implicit memory now :/) Before we went in, he said "Don't need to clean my house! It's very clean, see! Just come in to talk can already" BUT when we went in......

It was super dirty!! Initial inspection: floor was sticky (take note of this word!), bugs in the packet of uncooked rice, salt left in the open, dangling light.
Secondary inspection: kitchen floor is super duper sticky, ALGAE on the sink (thank goodness for stainless steel! must give the inventor a big hug), white tiles turned grey/brown and the natural colour of the toiletbowl water is........ B-L-A-C-K.
Not shocking enough?
While sweeping the floor, swee fen found a half eaten biscuit.
I thought the natural colour of the sink was greenish grey due to wear and tear but nooo its algae.
Food was left in the open.
Spoons were rusty. and I mean 1cm thick of hard, solid, rust.
We can see one part of the skeleton of the ceiling! Not just the paint but a part of the ceiling has fallen off.
....and many more!
Highlight of the day:
Not one not two but THREE baby(take note!) cockroaches appeared when yingcong cleaned the second shelf that was too high for me to reach! (thank goodness for being vertically challenged, it totally freaked the beauty out of me! T^T) Luckily, yingcong was hero enough to catch it!!
I was so freaked out that I jumped backwards (literally!) when someone flipped the floor mat outside the toilet over and I mistook a broken tile chip for a cockroach -_- this is called 杯弓蛇影 *cries*
There was a point of time where I think NINE volunteers were there to do the clean up but it was still not enough to finish cleaning! And throughout the cleaning we kept telling Mr Lim "要好了要好了" but he waited for us till he fell asleep and when he woke up we are still saying "要好了" LOL.
Then, we finally found out the reason why his place was so dirty - he didn't clean it ever since he moved in!! = 20+ years *shocks*
Oh! but one thing worth mentioning is that much as the house was dirty, there isn't any ants! (:
After deciding that we cannot possibly accomplish a full makeover for the house, we left and decided that the next group shall uncover the mystery of.......
What is inside the black kitchen cabinet (read: WHERE ARE THE PAPA AND MAMA COCKROACHES??!!!)
This visit really left a deep impression in me because it really reflects the elderly's attitude towards life after he aged ): I went home and told my mum about this and the law cells in her were activated...which made me quite surprised. She told/asked me:
1) there is a law under HDB that says elderly are not allowed to stay alone when they apply for a flat, so why do most of the elderly we visit stay alone??
2) HDB can actually mend the falling ceiling for free as long as the elderly applies for it, so I think we should either apply for him or get the centre to do so, pronto!
Images of the visit were probably still in my head because I nightmare-d about getting a cockroach attack that night D: humans should evolve to fly, not cockroaches! :C
Okay I'm going to sign off with a rhyme!
- camy is kay-me so please pronounce correctly! (:
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