On the 7 January visit, my group visited Mdm Tang, Mr Tan & Mdm Choy Moi ;)
Mdm Tang is one of the new elderlies that we visit, and according to Sheng Xian, she was too engrossed watching Taiwanese soap opera last visit to chat with them ;p But this visit, she happily invited us into her home, and allowed us to do some cleaning for her. I was cleaning the window grills, when she came over and said some stuff to me in Hokkien, and I pretended to understand her (even though i didn't ;p), and I guess I didn't do what she was trying to tell me to do because she said the same thing a second and third time.. Luckily, Joanne came to my rescue. Mdm Tang wanted me to wipe the windows.. (Joanne doesn't know Hokkien too, so I guess I need to brush up on my inference skills..)
I'm guessing Mr & Mrs Tan clean their home ever so often because their place is even cleaner than mine.. ;p Their kitchen tiles are like wow, sparkling white! But he allowed us to do some wiping and cleaning for them.. Mr Tan is cute and shy, and he calls Mrs Tan a 外星人 because she needs to have her lunch by 1130am hahaha ;) He offered us drinks, but Joanne and I secretly sneaked them back into the fridge when he was not looking. It was so funny because he was saying 喝水啊, pointing to the table where all the drinks except for his were missing.. ;p I also saw bed bugs for the first time in my life! It was kinda shocking to hear that they've been living with the bed bug problem for 6 months! Really hope that the problem gets settled for them by the new year..

Mdm Choy Moi is simply one of the cutest and funniest elderly I have ever met! She is always so happy to see us, and her smile and laugher are so so so contagious! From her cactus, to her hair and smile, everything about her is so cute and funny! She allowed us to decorate her home any way we wanted (yay!), and sat on her usual chair observing us, smiling and laughing at what we were doing occasionally. And finally when we were done, she said it was pretty and took a few pictures with us and our finished 'product'! hehehe ;D
cheers! ethel ;D
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