"eh, Richard just informed me that Mr Tan Po Seng just passed away, maybe he fell in the house" text message from Yi An.
Seriously. I was totally shocked. No, Im still in shock now. Mr Tan.... though kinda old, but he is one of the healthier beneficiaries we know of. Few weeks ago he just sang Japanese song for us, and waved the Singapore flag happily! And now... he is gone.
Remember how Mr Tan used to repeat his stories? He worked in a Japanese Tobacco Coy when he was young, so had to learn Jap language. And he had travelled to China before, with his good friend whom isa teacher. And many more stories.... I used to tell this joke to the freshies whenever we are heading to Mr Tan house " Mr Tan confirm tell you guys these stuff later... I used to work in Japanese company, then I learnt Jap... etc", and it ALWAYS happen as expected.

I thought ... I could have told the same joke last Saturday during Orientation visit 1.
On a more personal level, I have some interesting experiences with Mr Tan which accumulated throughout the past 2 full years of volunteering at T.H.E. Seniors.
- He once cut holes in his shirt (the tummy area.. like really big to see tummy) so its more cooling. So cute right! haha
- Volunteers were always so "afraid" to clean his house cos of the slippers trail! But we were always there cos we love to talk to him!

[ lifting his leg high up like a young boy!]

- When I was in Year 1, I helped Mr Tan to get an english name! He wanted Michael at first, but found it too common, so he decided on Johnny finally! I thought its just some random conversation we have with the elderly (and ya, given the memory disk space of most beneficiaries, they would probably forget the crap I said in each visit), but he actually remembered it! The following visit when I called him Johnny he responded! And he kinda love that name, and continued using it!
- How he appreciates the gifts we gave to him during festive seasons. like the Christmas hat, the part hat! he kept them with him and hang up high high!

[we found this in mr tan place weeks after the celebration. he got it washed!]
- Being in T.H.E.Seniors for so many years. I always feel kinda guilty towards Mr Tan. During festive seasons, we have to host celebrations in C

[Rong Sheng helping Mr Tan during Christmas celebration!]
- when Yi An and I went to knock on his door (about a month ago) , he actually said to Yi An "Pardon? Are you speaking English?" . Seriously, I burst out laughing on the spot! HAHA. Mr Tan's command of english language is really powerful. He uses words like "pardon, excuse me" when I only "HAR? SIMI? OI! SIAM LEH!"
I guess volunteers who have visited Mr Tan before must be sad to know he is now no longer there waiting for us anymore. No more Japanese language, no more massive cleaning, no more free English and Japanese tuition.
To be honest, when I just received the news from Yi An, I felt quite useless. He might have fell at home and we werent there to help him. If... only if we were there with him, we could have sent him to the hospital immediately and nth like this gonna happen. For a moment I felt useless in T.H.E.Seniors.. Then I talked to a close friend of mine, kinda figured out that at least... we have at least brought joy and memories to Mr Tan and ourselves.
Yes Johnny! Enjoy your life up there! I guess its cooling there and you dont have to cut holes in your shirt anymore! And probably you will meet some of your army boys there, and you can repeat your army stories for a thousand times! And if one day, I see a black line across the sky, that must be your famous slippers trail! :)

Mr Tan, we will miss you!
Wynne (my name is not Winnie okay! Mr Tan please dont get my name wrong again!)
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