~ Yi An
ho ho ho, my turn to blog again. i know that it had been hard on you guys(my fans) during my hiatus and i certainly hope that yearning for me had not taken toll on your physical being or soul.
As usual, after gathering we shuffled into 3 different dialect groups and something not as usual, i decided to join the canto group. Part of the reason being they were lacking in numbers and the other part being i had not really a chance yet to interact with the elderly in the canto group so... why not?
Pit stop 1:
Mdm chua
When we knocked on her doors she was drying her clothes so naturally we lent her a helping hand.
pc and wj having fun mopping the floor and cleaning windows
mdm chua watching tv
Her happy face should tell a lot about the excellent quality of our work, or i hope it will. haha.
Pit stop 2:
Mdm Chow Moi
Her place was unexpectedly clean and she said that she can take care of the household chores so we sat down and checked on her well-being amidst the chit chat session.
As always, she gleamed with pride whenever she showed us her alcoholic obsession(some hua tuo tonic wine).
group photo with mdm chow moi
Pit stop 3:
Mdm Cheong
One thing that I've learnt, Mdm Cheong is a cheong-ster. She already has a list of the tasks she needs help with in her mind, and without wasting any precious time she assigns each of us a task the moment we entered her apartment. She has her standards to keep up to and will not hesitate to point out your mistakes if you have done it the wrong way.
And the end product? Everything done neatly in the shortest possible time. She will not skimp on extending her hospitality so you can expect her to invite you to have a seat the moment she is satisfied with your work.
Everything was in a rush at Mdm Cheong's place so i forgot to take a group photo. haha. =P
And so the visitation ends, thank you ladies and gentlemen.
i know you love me.
Yours sincerely
Yi An aka Handsome aka Hunk
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