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Saturday, October 25, 2008

My 1st bLogGing experieNce

hi aLL!

newbiE here.. Hope my enTry wuN boRe aLL of u.. i'LL just b shariNg some stuffs i encouNtered during the visiT on 18/10/08..

iT was tHe first time i visiTed mr. tan.. finaLLy got 2 witness tHe legendary 'black' track in his hm.. no worRies! it was goNe b4 we left his pLace.. it was a realli nice experience theRe as he had a Lot of stoRies to share.. :) i realli 'pei fu' the volunteers who were involved in the cleaNing.. there was tis drain in the kitchen and i needed to open its cover to rinse the floor.. it was so full of unidentified 'black' particles and i wasn'T intenDing 2 open it wiTh my bare haNds.. wHiLe i was Lookin 4 soMe papEr to opeN it witH.. maGaret was aLrdy down tHere opEning it w/o any hesitatioN.. i was in aWe for abt a second but yep.. i reaLLi haF 2 learN alot frOm her! everYone diD a SuperB job cLeaninG up Mr. Tan's hs.. i literally felt like rolling on the floor..

nxT stop.. ouR fav. mdm tan's place! we just sat on the floor n chat w her as usuaL.. when we visited her previously, she talked abt her eyesighT n heaRing n it's realli sad to hear her say that her eyes n ears r no goOd n taT she's of no use.. duNno how 2 talk her ouT of thiNkin like tat.. as the visitation report mentioned.. we were helping her go thru some freebies.. it was only then i realised wat a hazarD her eyes were.. she almost mistook the bottle of yellow dishwashing liquid to be coOking oiL! tHankfuLLy we poinTed it out 2 her b4 she aTtempted to use it.. thEre was a littLe leg-numbing experience as we weRe abt to leave her pLc.. she is really really really very nice.. she heLped 2 suppoRt me n was v coNcerned.. i was reaLLi touched but also a little embarrassed.. for making her woRry abT me.. THANK U MDM. TAN!

tHe highLight? other thaN e long treacherous jouRney on pin chuan's car, it wLd b going to east coast medicare centre to visit mr. hui.. mdm chua was realli upset initially, 2 c mr. hui's hands tied to e sides of the bed.. so we immediately helped to release him n brought him ard on e wheelchair.. mdm chua was realli happy 2 c n be w mr hui.. she was feeding him fruits n constantly talking n reminding him of things (i heard her mention the names of their children).. their interaction realli moved me.. it was e first time visiting elderlys who are a couple.. one can realli observe how loving they r.. making fact of the phrase 'bai tou dao lao'.. but it's really sad that circumstances haf forced them apart at old age..

that's all for my eventful saturday! i juz wanna add taT i've mEt reaLLi greaT ppLe thru T.H.E seniors.. the volunteers n elderly have definitely adDed alot of coLour to my finaL year in NUS! :)



  1. Haha since you say final year I assume you're Wei Chung :-)

  2. haha oops! haha u not staying honors ah?

  3. Hey yy... Very nice entry!! Wat a pity I wasn't there for that visit to visit Mr. Hui... =(
