Glad to be back for THES again after being absent for the previous visit! :) Today me, 940, Kok seng and Victoria went to visit Mr Wong first. When we reached his house we called out to him several times and when he finally replied us, he told us that he was bathing and that he needed to wash his clothes. Seeing that he was busy, we decided to take our leave. It was quite a pity that we didn’t manage to speak to him because it was my first time visiting him and I was pretty excited about visiting another new elderly that I have not met before. Hope I have the chance to see him the next time I visit him! :)
We went to visit Mr Ong next. I really looked forward to seeing Mr Ong again because I have not seen him after he had his operation near his right eye and also because he was the first elderly that I visited when I first joined THES. Upon seeing Mr Ong, I felt really glad that he appeared to be more cheerful now as compared to the past. :)
Finally we went to visit Mr Tay. As usual, Mr Tay told us many stories and one of them was that he said in the past NUS was beside NUH too. Every time Mr Tay thanked us for visiting him and helping him, to us it may seem like we never really do much for them but in fact I think it really matters to them a lot. :)
Pin Jin
T.H.E. seniors is a community based programme that provides opportunities for volunteers in working with the elderly. It is a joint project between NUS Students' Community Service Club(NUS CSC) and TOUCH Community Services (TCS).
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Saturday, May 25, 2013
25th May 2013
It's been awhile since my last blog, so here goes. Today me, Li Jia, Hui Jia and Candy went to visit Madam Khatijiah. It's my second visit to her place. The impression she gave me is that of a very amiable granny. She has a good sense of humour and she isn't shy about seeing new faces. Therefore, going to her place you'll most likely feel welcomed. Also, Madam Khatijah is a really strong lady. Despite her medical conditions, she takes good care of herself and especially, her apartment. Her place is very neat and tidy, further, everywhere seems spotlessly clean. We offered to help her with the chores but she politely turned us down. Saying, "If I'm strong enough to do it myself, I will do it." This shows how independent she is. (Well, the other reason why she doesn't let us help her is because she's very particular with the cleaning and our cleaning might not be up to her standards. Sshh...)
However, the thing I really want to share is not the above. Rather, it's something I (re-)learn from Madam Khatijah after listening to her long stories. Madam Khatijah is someone who is very "strict" with promises. She cannot stand people going back on their words (if you're interested to find out her encounters with such people, join us for a visit :]). She is someone who "talks the talk and walks the walk", so she remembers what others said and she 'tracks' to see if they do what they say. Such persistence may intimate some, but personally I admire her emphasis on promises. It's like the Chinese saying, "君子一言,驷马难追" (a true gentleman will keep his promises). I believe all cultures and religion value credibility and trustworthiness, although we may come from different backgrounds, many virtues are common to all.
Reflecting on her words, I thought about the promises I made to my family, friends and most importantly, myself. Sometimes because of studies and some matters I forgot about those promises, be it big or small, and so I did not fulfill them. Now that I think back, "studies" and " some matters" were simply excuses. If I have the heart to fulfill them, those promises are definitely doable. But, I wasn't as "strict" with myself and I took the easy way out. After visiting Madam Khatijah, I was reminded of how important our words can be. Saying is always easy, everyone can say, it is doing what we say we will do that is the toughest. If we are not confident of accomplishing what we say, well, just don't say it. If you said it, just do it!
I remember a motivational speaker (who was invited to 'preach' us during my secondary school time) once said, "We are what think we are". I think he forgot to mention, "more importantly, we are what we do" because thinking and saying are meaningless when they're not acted upon. Actions define us, not words nor mere thoughts.
Chun Hai
It's been awhile since my last blog, so here goes. Today me, Li Jia, Hui Jia and Candy went to visit Madam Khatijiah. It's my second visit to her place. The impression she gave me is that of a very amiable granny. She has a good sense of humour and she isn't shy about seeing new faces. Therefore, going to her place you'll most likely feel welcomed. Also, Madam Khatijah is a really strong lady. Despite her medical conditions, she takes good care of herself and especially, her apartment. Her place is very neat and tidy, further, everywhere seems spotlessly clean. We offered to help her with the chores but she politely turned us down. Saying, "If I'm strong enough to do it myself, I will do it." This shows how independent she is. (Well, the other reason why she doesn't let us help her is because she's very particular with the cleaning and our cleaning might not be up to her standards. Sshh...)
However, the thing I really want to share is not the above. Rather, it's something I (re-)learn from Madam Khatijah after listening to her long stories. Madam Khatijah is someone who is very "strict" with promises. She cannot stand people going back on their words (if you're interested to find out her encounters with such people, join us for a visit :]). She is someone who "talks the talk and walks the walk", so she remembers what others said and she 'tracks' to see if they do what they say. Such persistence may intimate some, but personally I admire her emphasis on promises. It's like the Chinese saying, "君子一言,驷马难追" (a true gentleman will keep his promises). I believe all cultures and religion value credibility and trustworthiness, although we may come from different backgrounds, many virtues are common to all.
Reflecting on her words, I thought about the promises I made to my family, friends and most importantly, myself. Sometimes because of studies and some matters I forgot about those promises, be it big or small, and so I did not fulfill them. Now that I think back, "studies" and " some matters" were simply excuses. If I have the heart to fulfill them, those promises are definitely doable. But, I wasn't as "strict" with myself and I took the easy way out. After visiting Madam Khatijah, I was reminded of how important our words can be. Saying is always easy, everyone can say, it is doing what we say we will do that is the toughest. If we are not confident of accomplishing what we say, well, just don't say it. If you said it, just do it!
I remember a motivational speaker (who was invited to 'preach' us during my secondary school time) once said, "We are what think we are". I think he forgot to mention, "more importantly, we are what we do" because thinking and saying are meaningless when they're not acted upon. Actions define us, not words nor mere thoughts.
Chun Hai
Monday, May 20, 2013
11th May & 18th May visits
May 2013
940, Leg Sore and I visited Madam Ho. Upon reaching her house, she was busy fixing her old table fan (20+ years old?), which was clanking and squeaking noisily as the blades spun. And so, we went into her house and helped her out. I gave the fan a few sharp raps, and the fan became quiet. Leg Sore was so mesmerized that she cried “哇!厉害咯!” Very 洋洋得意之际,the fan gave a few snorts, and groaned even louder. And for the next 10+ minutes, we were busy rapping and unscrewing and doing whatever we could to shut the fan up, but in vain. Then, Madam Ho said, “来来来”; slowly, she approached the fan, 碰碰这边一下,转转那边一下,and ---- the fan quietened. “风扇只听我的话,不听你们的话啦。” said Madam Ho in Hokkien.
Later, as
usual, we helped her clean the house and chit chatted with her while we did our
work. Then, Madam Ho asked me “没有早点回 Penang跟妈妈庆祝母亲节啊?” Suddenly, I 晴天霹雳:I TOTALLY
FORGOT THAT IT WAS MOTHER’S DAY. Secretly cursing myself, I full of shame地answered her “嗯嗯嗯”。
Then came Lu Ting and Jie Min. Lu Ting is one hyper and cheerful girl; she made her way into the house and greeted Madam Ho loudly and happily. Don’t know why, her loud greetings reminded me of 财神爷 shouting “恭喜发财!万事如意!”, or Santa chanting “HO HO HO MERRY X’MAS!” And so, the atmosphere of the house became a lot more 热闹, like that of the festive seasons. On the other hand, as it was Jie Min’s 1st visit to Madam Ho’s place, Jie Min introduced herself to Madam Ho, and got this in return: “你是中国人啊?”
It’s time to leave. Having Madam Ho’s reminder in mind, I approached her and wished her “Auntie, 母亲节快乐!” she looked taken aback, and was at a loss for words for a few seconds, until ---- she 默默地凑上她的脸 to me, and I gave her a peck on the cheek, and 摸摸她的头。And then, everyone came over to kiss and hug her.
The scene of Madam Ho’s touched expression, and everyone kissing, hugging and wishing her “母亲节快乐” 深深地烙在我心底。An Auntie who is not our 亲生母亲 can be so touched by our Mother’s Day greetings; try imagining how happy our own mothers would be, if we greet them that. I headed back home, with a plan to do what I have not been doing for the past 10+ years: to greet my mama ---face-to-face--- Happy Mother’s Day; however, with an 遗憾 that it had to be done through skype..
母亲节快乐,Madam Ho!
May 2013
This Saturday, the volunteers who came 只有小猫两三只:Shawn, Hui Jia, Lu Ting, Jie Min, Yi Hui, Chun Hai and I. Shawn and Hui Jia accompanied Mr Tay to a temple in Ang Mo Kio, while the rest of us visited Madam Khadijah.
This was the 1st visit to Madam Khadijah’s for all of us. As she is the only Malay elderly in the T.H.E Seniors list, we were all curious and eager to meet her. As we reached her house, the answer revealed: Madam Khadijah is a plum lady with a broad cheerful smile and a booming voice. She was not wearing her tudung, and so we can see her short, clean-cut hair. However, of all her characteristics, the most significant is: SHE CAN TALK. ALOT. KNOWLEDGEABLY.
We offered to do house chores for her, but she waved us off, and asked us to just sit down and chit chat with her. Her reason was that, she is worried if we will fall out of her windows while cleaning them, and she needs to be held responsible for such cases. Moreover, she admitted that, every time after some other people mopped her floor ---- she will mop it again.
And so, it was just a chit chat session with Madam Khadijah this Saturday. She 一口气 told us a long list of dates, of which she needs to go to the hospital ward for checkups and operations --- I really 佩服 her memory 到五体投地;she let us know of her worries regarding her upcoming operation and of her missing his son and grandchildren, to the extent that she could not sleep for the whole night before our visit;she also told us about her few love stories. As she told us her stories, I was more and more impressed by her fluent English, great grammar, 清晰的思路 and 渊博的知识;until she told us: “I was a staff nurse” ---- 原来如此…
Then, Madam Khadijah’s bestie, another Malay lady came over. Both of them were really nice people, as they kept apologizing to us when they conversed in Malay; finally, they resorted to chit chatting with us in English, while putting their matter aside for the time being, in which they find talking about it using Malay is more comfortable, but rude as to speak Malay infront of a group of people who do not understand the language.
Before we left, we introduced ourselves to Madam Khadijah. It was Jie Min’s turn to introduce herself, and. She got this. Again. “Are you from China?”
All in all, it was a nice visit at Madam Khadijah’s. Through interacting with Madam Khadijah, I can see that she is an independent woman who is positive and strong, 凡事靠自己,有想法又有强的分析能力,大方豁达,kind and tender, 疼爱家人之余又懂得爱惜自己。她套着旧时代女性的躯壳,却拥有现代女性的灵魂;A great role model for us 现代女性indeed. Ladies, 向 Madam Khadijah 看齐 yo!
Madam Khatijah: take 1.
Madam Khatijah: take 2.
Xueting :)
Thursday, May 16, 2013
“施比受更有福” :)
Hey all!
Yeah, so last week I visited Mdm
Cheng, along with Yu Lin and Jie Min. This is my first visit to Mdm Cheng’s
place, I never know that we got an elderly living at Block 72 even though I've facilitated
for like twice. ^///^ We did not manage to see her in her apartment because she went for breakfast with her friend. So we
went down to the coffee shop to find her. She has a group of old friends that
always eat with her during the weekends. One of them even help us bring her
back to her place (oh, she is wheelchair-bound). So basically we just chat with
her as she said that there are other volunteers (probably other organization)
came to clean her place 2 days before our visit. Yeah, she is easy to
communicate with because she can speak mandarin. She also taught us some canto
like “my name is blah blah”, “have you eat your breakfast?” and “how are you?”.
Haha, she is very nice and friendly to us, though there were a few moments of
awkwardness, but I think as we get to know her better, we will be more
comfortable with her.
Yeah, time to do some reflection! This
happened like a few weeks ago, when I visited Madam Ho. Just as what I shared
with the rest, when we just reach her doorstep, her room was quite dark and she
just lay on the bed (yeah, you can imagine right?) so when we start talking to
her, she complains that her knee is in pain, she is waiting to die blah blah
(you know all those negative stuff). So we
just do what we usually do, talk with her, eat with her, joke with her and help
her with some house chores. Then the amazing thing happened, when we are
leaving, we hugged her (she even give me a kiss on my cheek! ^^) and say
goodbye. When I close the door, I looked at her at the doorstep again. Somehow,
her room is brighter, her mood is better and her smile is wider. At that
moment, I realize we’ve done something that changes her mood, or even her life.
It’s very small and not so significant (you know just some talking and
cleaning) but it works and works very well to turn her into a happy
elderly. I think it’s always the thought
that “aiyah, I go also no difference”, “I also can’t provide much help for them”
that cause people to hesitate when it comes to volunteering. If they know that they
have the power to change someone’s life by volunteering themselves, they will
probably have a greater driving force for voluntary work.
In fact, there is another idea that
comes to my mind after that visit. There is this phrase “施比受更有福” for the Chinese,
I know it and I understand it but I can’t really feel it. But after that visit
when I think about the moment when madam Ho hugged me, I think I can feel it. I
can feel that she gave back a lot of things to us and I can feel that my heart
is filled with something that makes it full. I think at that moment I'm very 有福. It looks
like we are helping them but sometimes I really think that I'm the one who is
receiving benefits from the visit.
In conclusion, I'm really glad that I
get to experience these in T.H.E.S, and I believe that there is more to see, more to
feel and more to reflect in future! ^^
Luting :)
Better late than never. But 迟来的东西总是最好的...
Last week, we visited Mr Tan.
First thing we do at his house, is help him look at the letters and explaining things to him. Why are all the letters in English...when he cant even read it properly. But this shows why volunteers are needed to visit him. There are things that the elderly will definitely need our help, so lets all just try to visit the elderly whenever we can.
Back to topic, when I first saw him, I thought he look very healthy despite undergoing operation awhile back. He told us of the incompetence of doctors when they discharged him earlier resulting in complications in his illness, which required him to be hospitalised again. All these things chalk up a huge amount of money and his Medisave is now empty and he has to pay an extra few hundreds for the medical fees. He knows how to pay the fees at Singpost so issue settled. Mr Tan is a very independent elderly so, no worries everyone!
Next up we have WoonYong, the balloon sculptor, to lighten up everyone's mood! He's quite good, so everyone who needs a balloon sculptor for your event, please approach him!
Ok so that's all. Today is my off day so I can finally blog! Sorry guys for being so late! Once again, better to be late than never.
Last week, we visited Mr Tan.
First thing we do at his house, is help him look at the letters and explaining things to him. Why are all the letters in English...when he cant even read it properly. But this shows why volunteers are needed to visit him. There are things that the elderly will definitely need our help, so lets all just try to visit the elderly whenever we can.
Back to topic, when I first saw him, I thought he look very healthy despite undergoing operation awhile back. He told us of the incompetence of doctors when they discharged him earlier resulting in complications in his illness, which required him to be hospitalised again. All these things chalk up a huge amount of money and his Medisave is now empty and he has to pay an extra few hundreds for the medical fees. He knows how to pay the fees at Singpost so issue settled. Mr Tan is a very independent elderly so, no worries everyone!
Next up we have WoonYong, the balloon sculptor, to lighten up everyone's mood! He's quite good, so everyone who needs a balloon sculptor for your event, please approach him!
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This is his face! |
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This is his art piece! It's actually a rabbit for those who have yet to guess it because it's too abstract |
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国王与狗王 |
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一粒娇滴滴的狗 |
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好狗与美猴王 |
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其实英雄狗的名字本来是看门狗!!!所以它在看门。好狗挡路了,对不起。狗王登基,有娇娇狗陪伴。 |
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Telling Mr Tan why 狗王also need to take picture. Reason is 狗王是明星 |
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Woon too slow. We abit sian... |
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Pose 1 |
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Pose 2 |
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Pose 3 |
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Pose 4 |
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Pose 5 |
Monday, May 13, 2013
Visit with Mdm Chow:)
Yo everyone!! :))
Hahah..I wanted to start by recounting this is my
number what visit…but then I suddenly lost count of Felt so happy to
see so many volunteers coming down to accompany the elderly on a Saturday..woohoo.
My group consisted of Ben, Li Jia and me! When we
reached Mdm Chow’s flat..we saw that she was sleeping. We called her like 2 or
3 times but there was no reply. Then Ben yelled “MDM CHOW”..she instantly woke
up hahah.
I offered to help her mop the floor but she said no
need coz the floor is quite clean. So we sat down and chit-chatted with her. She
told us that she's 93 years old…I was thinking wah..the three of our ages plus
together also cannot match with her. We saw two pots of cacti and asked her how
long she spent growing them. She told us she can’t remember alr..but it’s very
long. Then we started to talk about what she does during her free time. She
told us that during her free time she would either watch tv or look at the
people downstairs.
Anyway I buay tahan alr..I said I will help her to mop
the floor..she replied it’s quite clean but if you want to mop then let you
mop. Somehow felt that sth is missing if I dun do housework during each
visit..hahah. Yeah..then I mopped liao..i saw the water black black one..the
floor where gt clean sia.
Then hor..I saw the pom pom on the chair..I took and fiddled
ard with it. Trying to be funny..i used the pom pom as a wig and placed it on
my head. Hahah..immediately..Mdm Chow and everyone started to burst into laughter..I’m
so glad that I’m able to make her laugh. Hahah..then we had a photo-taking session
with Mdm Chow before we bade farewell to her. I see she like a bit disappointed
that we were leaving so soon…she looked at us through her metal door grids till
we were out of sight..wished I was able to stay a little bit longer.
When we reached downstairs, Ben suggested that we try
to look up to see if we can spot Mdm Chow. Hahah..coincidentally when we looked
up, we saw Mdm Chow..she waved to us and we waved back. Somehow I got the
feeling that she was looking out of her window in hope of catching a glimpse of
us after we left.
Every visit always left me with a lot of things to think
about…haha..which I think is a good thing. are some photos that we took!!
Group photo with Mdm Chow |
Mdm Chow making a victory sign |
Pom Pom Wig |
And finally...
Sumptuous and mouth-watering chicken rice that's bound to make you satisfied and craving for more!!:) |
Every day may not be good.
But there is something good in every day!!
Treasure all your love ones and Happy Mother’s
Yong Jian :))
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Visit to Mr Ong's Place
Hi Everyone! Tammie here and thank you for taking the time
to read through my reflection! (WARNING: It’s going to be a LOOOONNNG one)
This is my first time volunteering with T.H.E. Seniors and I
had a very fun and fulfilling time interacting with Mr. Ong. (From block 61) Before
the start of the visit, I was initially worried because of my half-past-six
spoken Chinese! But 5 minutes into the visit, I was relieved that communication
would not be a problem! HOORAYY!! I am also thankful for all the help received
from Joscelin and Shu Rui!!! They have been extremely patient in answering all
my incessant questions. HAHAHAHAHA!
Mr. Ong was initially shy at first when we stepped into his
flat. He offered us a seat on his sofa while while he chose to sit on a plastic
chair. We explained to Mr. Ong that he should sit on the sofa so that he can
watch his TV but he was adamant about it and so we finally relented to sitting
on the sofa. Mr. Ong was excited to tell us about the date of his second
operation which would be at the end of the month as his first face lifting
operation was a success. He is extremely happy now that he is able to see so
much clearer than before although he had some reservations prior to the
operation. He says that with the second operation, he will be able to look more
handsome. Hahaha!
I had fun during the 2 hour plus of chitchat with Mr Ong and
I felt excited and happy during the whole two hours. I am glad that Mr. Ong did
not treat me as a stranger although it is my first time visiting him. He shared
with us his interest, which includes watching Teochew opera as well as his love
for karaoke videos. Mr. Ong was exceptionally excited when he told us about his
new Television set and DVD player. Mr Ong currently only has one Hokkien
Karaoke songs DVD and so he is looking forward to the shopping trip with his
friend to Sungei Road where he can purchase more Karaoke VCDs/DVDs. We told Mr.
Ong that we would help him ask around to see if our friends have any old
VCDs/DVDs that they wish to give away. So,
we would like to appeal to all to keep a look out for any oldies/chinese opera/
Karaoke VCDs/DVDs that we can give to Mr. Ong! He initially said that he doesn’t really have any preference but after
much probing, he added that he is interested in Karaoke CDs as well as Teochew
opera CDs! Do keep a look out for Mr. Ong!! Thanks everyone!!
I am extremely delighted to have the chance to participate
in this visit together with T.H.E.Seniors and I had fun throughout the
interaction. From exploring on how to tune the TV to taking photos with Mr.
Ong, everything is new and exciting and I felt extremely privileges to be given
this opportunity to participate in this visit! My first visit together with
Joscelin and Shu Rui had been a memorable one so now I can say that it will not
be my last visit!!
Thank you for taking time to read my LONNNGGGGGG
Reflection!! And its now time for Photos!!! (Pardon the lousy 自拍 shots because my arms
are simply too short!)
Tammie :D :D
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First Shot! Hahaha! :D |
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3,2,1 Say Cheese!!!!! Teaching Mr Ong the art of "peace-ing" |
What volunteering means to me
Hello! I am Angie and this is my first time volunteering with THES.
This first visit did indeed change my perspective on volunteering. In secondary school and junior college, community service was very common among students. Yet, there is a mix of reasons for why people are actively involved in community work then. However, in my visit yesterday, what I felt was that it was a group of people who are truly passionate about serving the community and doing their own part as students to make a little difference to the elderly's lives.
My group yesterday visited Mdm Cheong. She was really friendly and shared with us many of her old photographs with her husband and her step daughter. Her memory was really good and she could almost recount where each photograph was taken and what was the occasion then. She was really cute and excited when she showed us the book album which had a special feature write-up of her.
Unlike my one-time previous volunteering stints in secondary school and junior college, having a group of people who visit the elderly regularly creates stronger attachment between the volunteers and the elderly. And something I thought was really different was the debrief where the volunteers clearly shared with others the updates about the elderly, be it their surgery dates or their medical conditions etc... It is not just a one-time visit to the elderly to clean their homes, maintain hygiene and then ending the weekly visit. Rather, it is a consistent and concerted effort to be concerned about each elderly's physical and mental health and to help in whichever ways possible, even though it may be small.
I am glad to have come for the visit this time and I certainly look forward to joining more THES visits in the upcoming months :)
This first visit did indeed change my perspective on volunteering. In secondary school and junior college, community service was very common among students. Yet, there is a mix of reasons for why people are actively involved in community work then. However, in my visit yesterday, what I felt was that it was a group of people who are truly passionate about serving the community and doing their own part as students to make a little difference to the elderly's lives.
My group yesterday visited Mdm Cheong. She was really friendly and shared with us many of her old photographs with her husband and her step daughter. Her memory was really good and she could almost recount where each photograph was taken and what was the occasion then. She was really cute and excited when she showed us the book album which had a special feature write-up of her.
Unlike my one-time previous volunteering stints in secondary school and junior college, having a group of people who visit the elderly regularly creates stronger attachment between the volunteers and the elderly. And something I thought was really different was the debrief where the volunteers clearly shared with others the updates about the elderly, be it their surgery dates or their medical conditions etc... It is not just a one-time visit to the elderly to clean their homes, maintain hygiene and then ending the weekly visit. Rather, it is a consistent and concerted effort to be concerned about each elderly's physical and mental health and to help in whichever ways possible, even though it may be small.
I am glad to have come for the visit this time and I certainly look forward to joining more THES visits in the upcoming months :)
Hello! This is Kelvin and its my first time coming to T.H.E.seniors.
Visited Mr Tay today together with Yi An, Shawn and Swee Fen! When we first saw him, he immediately ask if we wanted to go lim kopi with him at the kopitiam. I felt he really look forward to the weekly visits so that we can bring him to the kopitiam as it is quite difficult for him to go there by himself.
Once we reached the kopitiam and settled down and ordered the kopi, it is the first time in my 22years that I ever seen a coffee that has 3 slices of butter in it! Like a cool leh! Never knew that coffee and butter could mix together haha! Mr Tay was quite sad at first and was sighing away, so was a bit shocked and didn't know what to do as I could not speak Teochew. Luckily the rest of my groupmates are able to converse in Teochew! Mr Tay then talk about his life, about how handsome he was and had many girlfriends! Also about the countries that he could had visited if he had the money.
The saddest moment of my time there was hearing Mr Tay's request for us to bring him to a temple to do his own cemeterial documents. It was then that I felt that we should all treasure our current blissful life and look after our love ones.
I enjoyed my session here in T.H.E.seniors! I shall try to learn some dialect so that next time I am able to converse with the elderlies! Thank you Yi An for helping me translate!
Signing off,
Visited Mr Tay today together with Yi An, Shawn and Swee Fen! When we first saw him, he immediately ask if we wanted to go lim kopi with him at the kopitiam. I felt he really look forward to the weekly visits so that we can bring him to the kopitiam as it is quite difficult for him to go there by himself.
Once we reached the kopitiam and settled down and ordered the kopi, it is the first time in my 22years that I ever seen a coffee that has 3 slices of butter in it! Like a cool leh! Never knew that coffee and butter could mix together haha! Mr Tay was quite sad at first and was sighing away, so was a bit shocked and didn't know what to do as I could not speak Teochew. Luckily the rest of my groupmates are able to converse in Teochew! Mr Tay then talk about his life, about how handsome he was and had many girlfriends! Also about the countries that he could had visited if he had the money.
The saddest moment of my time there was hearing Mr Tay's request for us to bring him to a temple to do his own cemeterial documents. It was then that I felt that we should all treasure our current blissful life and look after our love ones.
I enjoyed my session here in T.H.E.seniors! I shall try to learn some dialect so that next time I am able to converse with the elderlies! Thank you Yi An for helping me translate!
Signing off,
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Disconnect to Connect With Your Loved Ones
After a couple of weeks spent preparing for the finals, it was yet another comforting Saturday morning where the volunteers arrived at Touch for our official visit! First of all, it is always great to see both old and new faces; not to mention that our volunteer count of the day hit around 30!
My group today consists of Jennifer, Clement and I, where we visited Mdm Tan who greeted us with her ever-endearing smile. We then proceed on to help her with the usual cleaning and maintenance of her place. After which, we chatted with her through the visit. Along the way, she identified me as "Ah Nek", not sure if it is "really me, but I just assume the role. Haha. Every time when I visit her, I will ask her if she remembers me. She will then refer me as "Ah Nek". On the other hand, I will just remind her that I was one of the volunteers who made tangyuan for her during one of our mission for dongzhi (refer to ah le's post:
Speaking of which, we mentioned that time passes very fast and we will be celebrating dumpling festival soon! Nonetheless, one thing that struck my mind was Mother's Day (though I did not verbally mention it), when Mdm Tan said that some elderly nowadays have vast linguistics skills as they communicates with their grandchildren. This is definitely a reminder for everyone when we are all so busy with our school and work.... in the sense that no matter how busy we are... there is also some time for us to connect with our loved one. Recently, I saw a quote on Facebook saying: Disconnect to Connect with your loved ones. This is indeed very true in our Wi-Fi and 3G (or 4G) connected world where everyone communicates via technology. However, it is those offline moments where we spent with the elderly that we realized that the best form of communication is none other than face-to-face.
As this AY comes to an end, I am really grateful to have met so many awesome volunteers and elderly in the process. But before that, we will be having our Major Outing II on the 31st May (advert time)!! and some other mini celebrations like dumpling festival and National Day. All in all, this journey has been like a Love Voyage for me, and I look forward to more fond memories created in time to come:)
Kok Seng
My group today consists of Jennifer, Clement and I, where we visited Mdm Tan who greeted us with her ever-endearing smile. We then proceed on to help her with the usual cleaning and maintenance of her place. After which, we chatted with her through the visit. Along the way, she identified me as "Ah Nek", not sure if it is "really me, but I just assume the role. Haha. Every time when I visit her, I will ask her if she remembers me. She will then refer me as "Ah Nek". On the other hand, I will just remind her that I was one of the volunteers who made tangyuan for her during one of our mission for dongzhi (refer to ah le's post:
Speaking of which, we mentioned that time passes very fast and we will be celebrating dumpling festival soon! Nonetheless, one thing that struck my mind was Mother's Day (though I did not verbally mention it), when Mdm Tan said that some elderly nowadays have vast linguistics skills as they communicates with their grandchildren. This is definitely a reminder for everyone when we are all so busy with our school and work.... in the sense that no matter how busy we are... there is also some time for us to connect with our loved one. Recently, I saw a quote on Facebook saying: Disconnect to Connect with your loved ones. This is indeed very true in our Wi-Fi and 3G (or 4G) connected world where everyone communicates via technology. However, it is those offline moments where we spent with the elderly that we realized that the best form of communication is none other than face-to-face.
As this AY comes to an end, I am really grateful to have met so many awesome volunteers and elderly in the process. But before that, we will be having our Major Outing II on the 31st May (advert time)!! and some other mini celebrations like dumpling festival and National Day. All in all, this journey has been like a Love Voyage for me, and I look forward to more fond memories created in time to come:)
Kok Seng
When you are contented with what you have; you have everything you need.
Hello everyone! I am Li Hui and today is my first time
joining all of you passionate individuals in this meaningful activity.
I was grouped with Sheng Xian, Chris and Jeremy and we
visited Mdm Khatijah. Even though it was my first time visiting her, it did not
stop her from sharing personal stuff with us. Halfway into the conversation,
she looked at the bunch of keys which she was holding and said that she used to
have the urge to unlock the windows and commit suicide.
When your strength runs dry and your vision is blinded, the
real test of faith begins. For Mdm Khatijah, she decided to place her faith in
her family and that stopped her from entertaining suicidal thoughts again. The
entire conversation with her today was entirely central to her family, her son,
her daughter-in-law and her four grandchildren. She is very excited about the coming
school holidays, for her grandson will be coming to stay over with her. She
told us that she will be stocking well her place with many many food and that
she will be getting top grade rice to cook for her grandson. Through all that
she has shared, I could tell that while she scrimps and saves on herself, she
is very indulgent in her family, giving them nothing but the best. :’)
From someone whom used to entertain suicidal thoughts and
wonder why did the world short change her.. To someone whom has decided to
place her faith in her family. She is contented with what she has and therefore
she has everything that she needs. J
PS: Do remember to wish her Happy Birthday if you see her on
the session on 1st June and wish her good luck for her knee
operation which will happen on 24th June too!
Before we left her place, she said that she really loves it
when we make it a point to spend time to interact with us and that she is
always looking forward to volunteers visiting her place. If someone you have
never met before can feel so happy that you bother to talk to them, can you
imagine how happy your parents are when you make it a point to have a meal with
them amidst the busy student lives? Coincidentally, tomorrow is Mother’s Day so
let’s not forget to show our gratitude to our parents too! ;D
Oh, and she said that the four of us looked really young for
our age, an4 shuang3 for the rest of my day :)
Wednesday, May 08, 2013
What is volunteering to me?
Last Saturday, it was a fulfilling visit for me. Partially manage to sabo people in my group and its my first time really making a elderly smile!!
I believe before our visit she was doing some laundry as we see a pail of washed clothes. We ask if we can help her with that, she said she will do it by herself. She also show us how she manage to hang and keep her clothes that are on the bamboo sticks hanging high up. I was impressed, because I tried doing it at home with eyes close but always cannot find the bamboo! After that we move on to cleaning time!
I believe that we can find some interesting ways to engage the elderly so that we can bring happiness to everyone! :)
Next up, we went to visit Mdm Ho. On the way, Camy joined in. At Mdm Ho's house, as usual we did the sweeping and mopping. After which start to gossip... I say she is so nosy, then she say that i am a "Ba gua (nosy) king" (LOL where got!!) After the gossip, we though of visiting some other elderly so we bid good bye to Mdm Ho.
We tried to visit Mr Ong, but he was not at home. We when to search at the hawker centre but failed. then we when to find 3 more elderly but apparently all not at home. :(
So we gathered back for debrief and went for lunch. During our lunch, we met Mr Ong! When we went to find him we cannot find, but when we gave up, he appeared in front of us! LOL. He appears to be very happy drinking pineapple drink with his friend. It is so glad to see that he is gaining back his self-esteem! :)
That sums up the day as we have our lunch!
Ok back to the title, "What is volunteering to me?" Simple, it means "N TRUE LOVE". Find out why yourselves.
As you all know my Teochew and Hokkien is always not fluent due to the limited vocabulary I have. It is the first time for me to make an elderly smile till no time for her to frown. Do you know which elderly i managed to make her smile for the whole visit? Drumroll.....MDM TAN!! The story goes like this:
I have visited her 3 weeks ago, so out of curiosity i want to know if she still recognizes me. I started off by a joke when entering, and she laughed at my joke. She said something like "we should crack jokes and laugh to pass the day", that is somehow the direct translation, the meaning is something like we should have some jokes in our daily life to brighten our day. This is something i totally agree! Next, up I ask her is she remembers me. In the previous visit, I intro myself as the "pa ka zhua" or the one who kill cockroach, she barely recalled. This time due to last visit, click here to know more about last visit, I intro myself as the one who sings, and she remembered!! BINGO! the feeling is like winning some lottery. Then I move on to intro my name, trying my luck again, i use my usual way to introduce my name and i hope she can remember. I still test out in my following visit!!
Opps, I forgot to intro my group, at this point of time my group consist of Pin Jin, Kai Sheng and me. Lets move on.

In this visit, I was the befriender role. The usual way is to discuss about some general topics and ask about their conditions, but since I have learnt about her stories, I decided to do it in a different manner. I act like some boss and instruct KaiSheng to mop the floor, saying that it for him to learn and practice how to be a good husband and... he did! Sorry to say that, but it is my first time saw kaisheng mopping the floor :P. Good Boy!! Haha I joke about KaiSheng getting married soon and he needs to practice, and Mdm Tan was so happy and she laughed. I believe that this is one way of entertaining them and keep them away from all their worries.
Some other drama happen here but cannot remember the details, as I was mopping the floor to make it dry. I cannot multitask so I did say something but cannot recall. Haha next up we set down to talk about Huang Wen Yong and also on the topic on "singing". Apparently she likes it quite well, especially when we sing some familiar songs for her.
Last visit, we sang 天黑黑 the original one with her and this week we had 两只老虎. If you don't know what is 两只老虎 you can play the video below (MUST PLAY).
I believe that we can find some interesting ways to engage the elderly so that we can bring happiness to everyone! :)
Next up, we went to visit Mdm Ho. On the way, Camy joined in. At Mdm Ho's house, as usual we did the sweeping and mopping. After which start to gossip... I say she is so nosy, then she say that i am a "Ba gua (nosy) king" (LOL where got!!) After the gossip, we though of visiting some other elderly so we bid good bye to Mdm Ho.
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Kai Sheng Exercising! |
So we gathered back for debrief and went for lunch. During our lunch, we met Mr Ong! When we went to find him we cannot find, but when we gave up, he appeared in front of us! LOL. He appears to be very happy drinking pineapple drink with his friend. It is so glad to see that he is gaining back his self-esteem! :)
That sums up the day as we have our lunch!
Ok back to the title, "What is volunteering to me?" Simple, it means "N TRUE LOVE". Find out why yourselves.
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Volunteering creates bond between people. Different generation THE shirt! |
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