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Sunday, April 15, 2012

last visit before exams!

Had a fulfiiling visit today! I’m sure those in my group would feel the same way too. :)

So we started off today’s visit with Mr Tan’s house and were greeted by his usual big smile. He told us that he bought a bottle of silicon sealant and needed our help in sealing the cracks on the walls and ceiling cos those were the openings through which the bedbugs enter his house. He has been experiencing this bedbug problem for a long time, and he even threw away his bed and wardrobe to keep the bedbugs away. We fiddled with it for a long while before the guys finally went downstairs to buy a caulking gun. Then began the sealing of cracks and fixing of lightbulb while we girls watched on.. :P

Mr Tan told us that he needed a new coat of paint to seal the gaps between the cracking paint too. Oh and he also offered us some dried preserved fruit (forgot what it was, but it was nice!).

After that we went to Mdm Ho’s house. We swept up many cockroaches as usual, but the coackroach trap thingy that yi an bought worked quite well. We also pulled the old luggage out to clean the area underneath her bed, and discarded this box of glassware that was filled with all sorts of dead bugs. The contents were washed and wrapped in fresh newspaper. Just a passing thought, it’s strange how we work so hard to keep the homes of these elderly clean when we don’t even bother to make our own beds haha. Oh well, guess the motivation is stronger when u’re actually doing for people you care for a lot. :D And Mdm Ho kept asking where yi an was, saying that he would have finished the free pack of fried rice if he was there, cos we kept rejecting her offer. Hehe! :D

After lunch I went back to check on Mdm Tan, cos we didn’t visit her today. When I reached there, I saw her emoing in her chair. Think she must be thinking about her son again. So I went in and chatted with her for a while. I realized it really is scary to live your life alone when you can barely see, and sad to not be able to see and recognize the people whom you care for as well as those who care for you. Though Mdm Tan sounded very resigned but it really was heartening to see how positive she remains by going for morning exercise everyday and participating actively in the activities at SAC to distract herself from all her unhappiness. As she likes to say, “开心也得过日子,不开心也得过日子, 不如快快乐乐地过每一天”(in hokkien). Really take my hat off to her. :)

Anyway, it was a great visit today. Last visit before exams! But it’s okay, let’s mug hard and we’ll see the elderly again in three weeks’ time. Jiayou everyone, if u read this post in time hehe. AJA AJA! :D


Monday, April 02, 2012

31st March Visit!

Hi guys. Hope you all had a great weekend!

We had our usual visit on 31/03/2012. Was late for facilitation with Criss hahaha. There was a community event that day, so many seniors including Mdm Cheong were not at home. My group of 6 visited Mdm Ho and the legen-(wait for it)-dary Mr Lin, whereas the other group visited Mdm Chua and Mr Tan.

First up, we visited Mdm Ho. We helped her to get new boxes of tissues at the grocery shop nearby, as well as to help clean up her flat. After which, we made her the THE Seniors souvenir and helped her to fix her framed photo.

Buay hiao bai a bit, designed by Wynne, Criss and I! I cut out the sun and I'm very proud of it hahaha :D Hope Mdm Ho likes it :)

Fixing the photo frame.

Next up, we visited Mr Lin. During Facilitation, Mr Lin said that apparently, a group of volunteers came to his flat and cleaned up. Nonetheless we proceeded with visiting him, albeit like barging in hahaha. The flat didn't feel like it has been cleaned the previous day, there were grains of rice and dirt everywhere. That's why his house is notoriously legendary. So we got down to work and cleaned up his place, including the sink cabinet where we found a dead lizard (photo can be found on Criss' Facebook profile). Expired food was also cleared from his 'war supplies'. These war supplies included sacks of rice infested with weevils, and he gives them to the foreign workers for consumption! So during debrief, Wynne mentioned that we should not only help clean up the folks' homes, but also to educate them on how to maintain basic cleaniness.

And that sums up our visit on the 31st. Looking forward to the next one! :D
