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T.H.E. seniors is a community based programme that provides opportunities for volunteers in working with the elderly. It is a joint project between NUS Students' Community Service Club(NUS CSC) and TOUCH Community Services (TCS).
hi beloved fans, here i am again. donning my usual selfless and chivalrous character i volunteered myself to do this blogpost just so i can relieve yingcong the dilemma of deciding who to pick for this visitation's blog post.
i strongly believe kindness pays so i urge you kids to volunteer and blog the next visit! =)
back to the my main topic: the karma positive afternoon
mr tan's place!
as usual, we scrubbed the stained floor!
super ups and zai right?
so when we're done mr tan went to inspect if everything is up to his standard.
btw, there were a lot of moth balls in mr tan's flat placed by some other volunteers according to him. and according to sheng xian and gang, mothballs are bad for health so they managed to persuade mr tan to throw them away after quite some effort.
**sheng xian's house was out of water so she tried to take a bath at mr tan's place. haha.
so the next pitstop was mr chiu's house. hmmm, rather clean la so we merely swept and mopped his place. oh ya! i single handedly cleaned his window grilles and windows okay! although still got the dust stain cause i didn't use newspaper, fairly clean i'd say. haha.
also, mr chiu complained to us that his akira radio wasnt working. no problem mr chiu! we have the quick witted joanne who managed to fixed it in no time so you can sing along with your favorite tunes!
proof that singing makes one happy!:
then we went to the super ultimate uber clean apartment that belongs to mdm tan. i think her eyesight not really good so maybe we can get her a pair of specs or something like that. yeah. she only cleaned her place yesterday so we just sat down and and talk cock with her.
actually its was more than just talk cock cause she was explaining to the girls that it is more important to find someone with brains than someone loaded but without brains. from her point of view, a person with brains can slowly work his way up and earn lots of money in the future. so do take note of this girls, HAHA.
a group photo of the discussion:
i am 3 karma points closer to nirvana!
yi an signing off!
i am positive karma-ed, are you?