HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR EVERYONE! (and happy valentine's day! haha see we love THE SENIORS so much that on valentine's day we show our <3 by telling the whole world what a great time the volunteers, and definitely the elderly, had last sat)
We started off with around 15 rather bored looking elderly. But as the celebrations progressed, they were definitely getting more enthusiastic, and by the time we had the lo-hei, it was in fact their high-ness which infected the volunteers instead! first we had the elderly's all-time favourite BINGO!! everyone got the hang of it real quickly, and soon even the volunteers wanted to play the game themselves. lots of prizes were given out. yay!
Next off was a new game called "the price is right" modeled after the popular TV show. we packaged common ntuc items such as milo, chicken essence, braised sharkfin into hampers and asked each elderly to guess the actual price. whoever was the closest would win the hamper. this game clearly showed that the elderly were quite good at mental calculation, with each determined to bring home the big hamper.
Finally we came to another new game, one that the elderly seemed to have thoroughly enjoyed: Hi-Low. to cut things to the chase, the elderly had to guess whether the next card was to be a bigger or smaller number, quite easy, and it kept them in suspense. you could see the exhilaration on their faces when they got the right guess, and a mild disappointment when they didn't. but at the end of the day everyone was a winner, each of them lugging home loads of presents. oh yes must mention that we also had a very nice company sponsoring rice, biscuits, chicken essence for the elderly, so it was definitely a "windfall" for all the participants, not forgetting the many cans of abalone/clam/chicken essence/mushrooms distributed too:)
And how could one possibly end a CNY celebration without lo-hei?
There you have it - another memorable event for the elderly to look back and laugh to themselves :)
- Pris