Exams coming. Exams coming. Exams comingggggg...knowing everyone chionging the project deadlines and revising hard, please take good care of yourselves ya. (:All the best for exams.! Jy people.
Pei Jen.
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T.H.E. seniors is a community based programme that provides opportunities for volunteers in working with the elderly. It is a joint project between NUS Students' Community Service Club(NUS CSC) and TOUCH Community Services (TCS).
Exams coming. Exams coming. Exams comingggggg...knowing everyone chionging the project deadlines and revising hard, please take good care of yourselves ya. (:All the best for exams.! Jy people.
Pei Jen.
So while the old birds proceeded with the usual visit, the newbies(from THES, HCA and LB) were all seated in a room listening attentively to the presenters.
As the saying goes, pictures speak a thousand words. I shan't bore all you guys, enjoy.
playing some ice breaker games to get familiar with one another
Lom, chiam, pass (or Rock, paper, scissors)
Pass the message
time to be serious and attentive
learning how to operate the wheelchair
basic phrases in dialects
getting to know each other better cum lunch
group photo to end
Yi An