Hello all!
Last sat (20/3/10) visit was really an enjoyable experience! Even though it was pouring and I am sure some of us really wanted to sleep for a while more, many volunteers still turned up for TOUCH =) And as usual, I was in the Hokkien group together with boon yong, boon peng and chen hua. We went to mdm tan's house first and did some simple chores like mopping the floor and cleaning the windows. Due to failing vision, Mdm Tan doesn really take part in outings because she would need someone to guide her. However, her house is really neat and clean. After chatting with her for a while, we moved on to Mr Chiu's house. There was a group of volunteers from VJC who were going around the houses to provide some basic health check-up that day as well so Mr Chiu was waiting for them to arrive. He didn need us to do any cleaning so we simply sat down and listened to the radio with him. I think he was listening to some oldies though I am not sure which channel was it. Chen hua helped him to tune to other channel (should be FM 93.3 if i am not wrong) and it was playing some SHE song (zhenxiu's ringtone, LOL). Mr Chiu told us he still prefers listening to oldies and chinese pop song (eg. jay chou) doesn really suit him. After staying for a while more, we went on to Mdm Ho's house. Mdm Ho injured her knee that morning so she couldn really move about. The guys helped to clean the windows and mopped the floor while the girls did some lighter chores like wiping the tables. After which, we sat down and helped ourselves to the new yr goodies ^^ I think we helped to finish the fishball crackers and some springrolls. Mdm Ho was still as jovial even though she was in pain and I always enjoyed talking to her =).
I think that's all for last week's visit and hope to see you guys next sat for our major outing!! And let's hope for good weather =)
T.H.E. seniors is a community based programme that provides opportunities for volunteers in working with the elderly. It is a joint project between NUS Students' Community Service Club(NUS CSC) and TOUCH Community Services (TCS).
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Hi, long time since i wrote a blog. in fact, this is my second time ba.
anyway, i go straight into my experience at Touch. Although i have been in touch for some time but last sat was the first time joining the Canto group and it is because i come late (as usual) and end up calling shi tian up to find out when they are. in total, we visit 3-4 houses and i now set a new record in the worst cleaner list, haha. i cannot really say anything about the elderly because i dun understand what is going on as i dun know canto. but in overall, it is quite fun and stunning when the elderly end up siting out at the corner door while we clean the house, actually we were expecting her to just sit at the living room so it look like some drama show where the mother-in-law was being chase out like that.
anyway, i go straight into my experience at Touch. Although i have been in touch for some time but last sat was the first time joining the Canto group and it is because i come late (as usual) and end up calling shi tian up to find out when they are. in total, we visit 3-4 houses and i now set a new record in the worst cleaner list, haha. i cannot really say anything about the elderly because i dun understand what is going on as i dun know canto. but in overall, it is quite fun and stunning when the elderly end up siting out at the corner door while we clean the house, actually we were expecting her to just sit at the living room so it look like some drama show where the mother-in-law was being chase out like that.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Confirmed design / Outing on the 3rd April.
Hello volunteers,
We are bringing the elderly out on a morning exercise/walk!
Date: 3rd April
Time: 8+am to 1pm
Location: From Henderson Waves to HortPark
Light refreshments/Breakfast will be provided.
Please go to the following link and fill in the form for your attendance!
RSVP here!
We are bringing around 80-90 seniors, hence we will need alot of volunteers! Do get your friends if they are interested too! (: More details will be posted nearer to the date~
T.H.E. Seniors Committee 09/10
Saturday, March 20, 2010
CSC shirt_sizes!

Hi guys,
Just kindly go onto this link and indicate your shirt sizes.
IF you wan to purchase more than one shirt, just kindly put the quantity beside your name
Just kindly go onto this link and indicate your shirt sizes.
IF you wan to purchase more than one shirt, just kindly put the quantity beside your name
Try to indicate your sizes monday, latest.
If you have any problems accessing it, do drop me an email or sms me at 94592914.
Have a lovely weekend!
-Sorry forgot to tell u guys that $12 per shirt...-
(attached are the back and front pics that we are using)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Hi ppl.. =)
Before going further into the post, I think I need to start with a self intro before arousing qns marks over readers' head. I'm Wendy, a new volunteer but not from NUS and a friend of Margaret.
Pardon if my post is too boring as the posts u guys blogged is too interesting so I'm stressed. Haha.
This is the first time I did volunteer work and I was half unclear how this volunteer outing works. The day started with me tagging along in the Eng-Chi group and we make visits to Mr Tan and Mdm Ho's place.
Stepping in to Mr Tan's place, my first thought was he speaks English well so there's no problem communicating except that he may be hard at hearing at times. He was easy going, we did only simple chores such as cleaning and sweeping. However, we realised his fan is going at such a slow speed during a hot weather so we decided to take it out and clean as well as trying to fix it. Though I know we are trying to be smart only. Haha. So obviously we failed to repair it. =( We can only keep reminding him to open the windows more so that he feel cooler before we leave his house.
Visit to Mdm Ho's place was interesting. The first impression she gave me was fierce. Haha. After we done with the things she want us to help in, I see another side of her. She is so "hao ke" (chi)!! Treating everyone so nicely, taking all the cny goodies out for us to eat. After some time, the rest of you join us and I FOUND OUT A RUMOUR about my friend. Haha. *sry margaret* Though is only a short interaction with you guys, but witnessing the humour and laughter u all shared, that makes a wonderful experience for me. Nice experience with friendly elderly, warm experience with you guys, GREAT DAY!
Shall see u guys soon. All the best for studies. =)
Friday, March 12, 2010
HELLO ppl!it's ME!yes it's ME again!ahahaha.
alright shall start blogginggg :D
on 6/3/10, the nice volunteers of T.H.E Seniors met up again for the bi-weekly house visits to our dear elderly!
alright shall start blogginggg :D
on 6/3/10, the nice volunteers of T.H.E Seniors met up again for the bi-weekly house visits to our dear elderly!
for the canto group, we went to kam por's house first..basically did the usual stuffs like mopping the floor and wiping the windows :D and of course, chit chatting! and this time round, kam por treated us to chrysanthemum tea heh!kam por is as usual her very jovial self.. :)
next up, it's mdm tan's place!at first mdm chua rejected shitien's request to visit her house haha but she agreed after zhenxiu asked her!shitien you need to brush up your 师奶杀手skills!ahaha.this time round,we did not do a 'house' visit.mdm tan was sitting at the stairway so we sat down with her over there and chit-chatted:) ended up taking photos and eating snacks over there hehe.
what's a blog post without nice (ahem) picts of us rite!
here's a cute pict of our elderly!
and of course,some picts of the ppl in canto group on tht day(:
and after that,we went to mdm ho's place!as usual,mdm ho is always treating the volunteers w nice goodies! :D :D
tada!is this the end of the day?you're so wrong!thereafter, its our *highly anticipated* (very subjective) volunteer's outing!
we made our way to THE HANGOUT for some wii and xbox playing,and of course quality time w one another!!
(okay la picts are from the previous post)
after playing at the hangout,we went to the jap foodcourt at pomo! (is it called ishii mura?) our dear wynne (see i used e word dear) joined us after finishing her midterm while i was psycho-ed to join for dinner!highlight of e dinner was the htht session after that heh(: how can we not have a htht session w me around!and of course,details of the htht session are not to be disclosed..circle of trust yo.
but,now we know some ppl aspire to be a businessman to con other ppl's money,programmer,banker..AND SOMEONE WANTS TO HAVE A CAMEL EMPIRE in future hahaha.want to know who's that?
Join us for more volunteers outing in future!
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Venue of Outing
Volunteer's outing is confirmed! It will be at 'The Hangout'. More info is as follows: http://www.thehangout.com.sg/
So do join us in the afternoon from 2-6pm for games of fun-filled board games this coming saturday 6th March!
(Just a reminder: there is visit in the morning as well.)
-ken & darren-
So do join us in the afternoon from 2-6pm for games of fun-filled board games this coming saturday 6th March!
(Just a reminder: there is visit in the morning as well.)
-ken & darren-
CNY celebration :)

Winner for the bingo game! Yay!

Kam Po and Wenping looking sweet while passing the pistachio! Good chopsticks skills unlike us, the noobcakes!

Panda trying very hard to pass the pistachio!

RongSheng and Mdm Tan posing with their completed number 8! :)

Karen and Mdm Lim with their nicely done number 8.
Hellooo! Mark and Michelle here. We are new volunteers at T.H.E seniors and so far, all the activities have been very fulfilling and enriching.
The CNY celebration was such a blast! I think both the seniors as well as the volunteers had alot of fun.
The first game Bingo, which was also played at the christmas party was good because of the anticipation and excitement when you wait for your numbers to appear. We were really tempted to help the seniors fill up the bingo boxes because it seemed pretty tedious for them. When our elderly won the Bingo game, we were excited for them too!! Hahah. The elderly were commenting that the game is very similar to toto.
The second game (passing pistachios and melon seeds with the chopsticks) was challenging-albeit not for the elderly, but for us! We are such noobcakes at passing stuff using chopsticks that we dropped them more then the elderly. Super funny. The game-pace was very fast...and the elderly were really good at passing the pistachios and seeds down.
The latern-folding activity was memorable as well because we got to interact with the elderly and to learn to make the laterns togther. Our group won! Yay! Haha. And we made more number 8s than we needed to. Lol. The elderly were so enthusiastic and eager to learn to make them too! Cool.
And how can we forget the cute forfeits our seniors and volunteers did- the group sing-a-long and the dance was was heart-warming. Even the other groups who were not part of the forfeit sang along as well :).
In all, the CNY celebration was AWESOME! Thank you for all the hard work. More happy times with the seniors and fellow volunteers to come. THEEHEE!
Mark and Michelle
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