Just do a sweet and simple one. Will do a long one when I get lots of feel and alot of ideas to share. =D
1. Yes, I miss the start of the session cause I was still in the middle of the expressway. Trying to get out of the jam. Yes, I do need a morning call or something. I am always late. Lai chuang is bad. Late friday nights are bad too. =X But I will try my very best to get rid of the bad bad habit. =(
2. So I went over straight to Mr Tan's (Blk 61) place. Thinking of doing some household, but the enthu volunteers done the job! =D So Rong Sheng and I sat there talking to Mr Tan.
Yes, I can see that volunteers are making use of what was taught in the workshop, and here goes. RS took a big TTSH's bag of medicine and started to go through them. So we check with Mr Tan what the medicine were. For the medicine that can be eaten on a regular basis, which includes the calcium supplements and tablets to increase the red blood cells. and we describe in a cute manner. layman terms.. This is 'good for blood', and this is 'good for the bones'. . So we encourage him to take the medicine regularly and got him to tell us whether he know when and what to take. (:
Later the rest join us and Mr Tan share with us some historical knowledge on WW2.
3. Next we went to Mdm Tan's place. However, we got emergency calls from Zhenxiu (ZX, Huiting and Yew Chin, 3 girls have to clean up Mdm Chow Moi's place) so RS and I went over since we did not get to do any cleaning just now, now is our turn. ((:
4. reach there. help to sweep the floor. Throughout the time there, I think darn funny. I think Huiting is like 'quarreling' with Mdm Chow Moi.
HT: 'No you rfloor very dirty. See so many ants'
Mdm CM: 'No larrr, not dirty abit only. No ants, abit only.'
HT: 'Norrr you see! So dirty!' (pointing to the pile of dust and rubbish I swept =D)
Mdm CM: 'No larr no!' (Denying the pile of rubbish and dust I swept up to her feet) =D
So funny. Huiting is gg to scream anytime. =D So cute to see them communicating that way. CAUSE BECAUSE OF THE TALK ETC, I SEE MDM CHOW MOI LAUGHING AND SMILING ((:
When huiting was trying to make use of what she learnt in class, and check the fridge for leftover food and check her medication, whether Mdm Chow Moi knows what to eat etc. and she keep repeating too. =D repeating! so here then RS is complaining.. =D
RS: 'Wah, you kapoh!'
HT: 'Mdm Chow Moi, scold him, help me scold him, he scold me'
After some time... Mdm Chow Moi finally get what both of them were saying...
Mdm CM: 'Hey, how can you scold her kapoh, no one like that say people kapoh one larrr...'
I can see that it is a simple conversation, but she is totally enjoying it! And that is what I love to see! ((:
5. Followed by debriefing session and lunch at the hawker centre, the usual thing to do but a good time to catch up with each other and know each other! ((: This is what I feel. So we must mixed around and get to chat with each other during lunch. hee.
Last but not least,
Sorry that I was late! I will try to kick away the bad habit. =X
Thank you for applying what you guys learn in the workshop! (:
Thank you Pei jie and Rong sheng for looking for the lyrics and songs for Mr Chiu.
Thank you everyone! jiayou for exams! Mug hard and we shall see each other after exams! and we shall have outings for the volunteers! yays!
Many thanks,
ps: I shall blog the next time I thought of more things to share with all.