This is the first time I am blogging in TOUCH blog yeh. Hee... It is a long time since I contribute to TOUCH summary! This visit is a special one for me because two of my cousins followed me to the visit. They are Debra and Esther, 12 years old and 14 years old respectively. They have asked me some questions about my volunteering experiences and they are quite interested in joining me in all the different visits. So I think I will try to bring them around as much as I can. It is good for them to see another side of our Singapore society.
Me and my cousins joined the Chinese/English speaking group. I knew we would be visiting Mdm Ong and I think Mdm Ong is the perfect person for my cousins to visit. I have always admired the cheerful way that Mdm Ong has towards life. I hope my cousins can see how difficult life can be for some people and yet they can live happily.
Today Mdm Ong got a lot of groceries to buy. We got two shopping groups. One was led by Janicia and armed by Margret and Debra. Another group was being led by... none other then Mdm Ong herself and accompanied by Khoon Hong, Esther and me. We are all quite surprised when she said that she want to go and do the shopping herself. She seems to be very strong today and so we didn't object. She taught us how to open her mini oxygen tank and we pushed her in a wheelchair with the tank.
Mdm Ong is super strong today lor! She can get out of the wheelchair without any of our support to choose the stuff she wanted to buy. She can make do without our help and oxygen support for a full 15 to 20mins! I think today we really witnessed a great improvement to her health.
To see Mdm Ong like this really make me feel that what little that we can do for the elderly is really worthwhile. The groceries that we have helped her to do has really helped her relieve her household chore pressure. And whenever we leave her house, I can feel her gratefulness for our help. She will always salute us when we are leaving. And she is quite mischieveous also! She will try to make fun of us whenever we are caught unaware.
Everytime when I come to visit, I will feel so energetic. A whole week of frustration at work or lesson seem so insignificant when I come for visit. How much is my frustration worth when compared to the difficulties that the elderly faced each day. So I will always strive to make the elderly smile and forgo their own frustration momentarily. I hope a moment's laughter can be remembered later when things are not good for them and bring a bit of happiness for them.
Hope you all are not bored by my long blog! :P
TOUCH Woosh!!!!
Li Xian
T.H.E. seniors is a community based programme that provides opportunities for volunteers in working with the elderly. It is a joint project between NUS Students' Community Service Club(NUS CSC) and TOUCH Community Services (TCS).
Monday, October 29, 2007
Touch Visit - 27 Oct 2007
27th Oct 2007
It was a Saturday (weekend).
It was raining (nice weather to sleep).
It was 08:00 am (too early to wake up).
Suddenly my alarm RANG. Still feeling sleepy, I disabled my alarm and tried to go back to my dreamland. Just as I was about to sleep again, suddenly I remembered that we had a TOUCH visit. I cannot sleep anymore; I have to go to TOUCH. The elderlies were waiting for me there. Haiz…..Kind hearted is really one of my major weaknesses…..So what to do…. I sacrificed my sleep and dragged myself out of my bed for the sake of the elderlies no matter how tired I was and set off for TOUCH visit.
It was 10:30am when I arrived at the TOUCH centre. As usual I joined the Hokkien speaking group even though I have a poor command of Hokkien. Our first stop of the day was Mdm Lim’s house. We started off with some routine questions like “have you eaten?” , “what did you eat just now?”, “how is your back?”, etc. We chatted quite normally until we came to the topic on her back problems. She complained about her back; how it gave her problems and how the pain prevented her from sleeping. She then linked the topic to death like what she did sometime when we talked about her illnesses. The topic about death is forbidden in TOUCH session as we do not want the elderlies to develop such negative thinking. Maybe in future, even though we are concerned about their illnesses, we should also try to cut down on this kind of topic that can link to death. So, immediately we try to change the topic to something else more happy and relaxing. We decided to give this zhong ren to Choo Min who was sitting beside her. Instead of coming out with a topic, she colluded with Mdm Lim and started bullying the guys. Mdm Lim suan us one by one and said we are bad people. For example, Mdm Lim was telling me that tan skin is good. But suddenly, 0.1sec later, she turned to Jooch and shoot him, saying that he is too white and that’s not good. Mdm Lim was really on TOP FORM that day. She ‘shot’ all the guys down one by one, leaving all of us speechless. She seemed to be enjoying that moment a lot as she kept laughing as she continued to suan us. However, we did not mind at all as long as this can make her happy and bring laughter to her (Haiz… told you all le… Kind hearted is really my weakness). Tong ku de re zi really zhen nan guo, the clock ticked slowly to 12:00pm before we were spared of all the suaning as we needed to proceed to Mdm Tan house le.
Mdm Tan looked very happy when she saw us. As usual she is very hospitable and wanted to offered us drinks and food even before we sat down. And as usual, I will tell her that we ate something before coming up to her house. As Mdm Tan is illiterate, she took out some mails and asked us to help her see what they were about. One of the mails were in fact some post cards, however, we have difficulties explaining the use of the post card to her. Luckily after some attempts we managed to explain to her. After that we started the chit chatting session. As compared to Mdm Lim, I feel that Mdm Tan is much more optimistic, at least she didn’t talk about death and unhappy things. But that day she and Mdm Lim seemed to have one thing in common – that was they were both on form. Mdm Tan seemed to be talking much more that day as compared to last time. There was a point of time when she talked to Khoon Hong and De Rui for quite long. Because she spoke quite softly, I cannot catch what she was talking about even though I tried very hard to listen. This chat continued all the way until 01:00 pm where we had to stop our session and gathered at the void deck for debrief which will round off the TOUCH session for the day…….
Everytime I went to TOUCH, I feel quite sad for the elderly living there. They seemed pitiful living there alone. Moreover, as most of them have difficulties in moving around, this will mean that they will have to stay in their home for most of the time. Staying alone in the house with nothing to do may also allow them to have more time to think of negative things just like Mdm Lim, so our visits would mean alot to them. I can tell that they feel very happy whenever they see us and they appreciate our presence a lot. Maybe we cannot always keep them happy during every visit but our chatting with them and singing for them can make them feel that there are still people out there that care for them and they are not alone. So let’s hope that everyone can continue to TOUCH their hearts with our care and love for them and keep this spirit going….until…… even after we grow old and students from NUS CSC will also come to visit us like what we are doing now…… (Pls don’t be surprise.Yes I am Jun Hui. These are all written by me. Haha)
Everyone pls feel honored because this is my first ever blog entry. Wo ba wo de di yi chi xian gay ni meng le.
Jun Hui
It was a Saturday (weekend).
It was raining (nice weather to sleep).
It was 08:00 am (too early to wake up).
Suddenly my alarm RANG. Still feeling sleepy, I disabled my alarm and tried to go back to my dreamland. Just as I was about to sleep again, suddenly I remembered that we had a TOUCH visit. I cannot sleep anymore; I have to go to TOUCH. The elderlies were waiting for me there. Haiz…..Kind hearted is really one of my major weaknesses…..So what to do…. I sacrificed my sleep and dragged myself out of my bed for the sake of the elderlies no matter how tired I was and set off for TOUCH visit.
It was 10:30am when I arrived at the TOUCH centre. As usual I joined the Hokkien speaking group even though I have a poor command of Hokkien. Our first stop of the day was Mdm Lim’s house. We started off with some routine questions like “have you eaten?” , “what did you eat just now?”, “how is your back?”, etc. We chatted quite normally until we came to the topic on her back problems. She complained about her back; how it gave her problems and how the pain prevented her from sleeping. She then linked the topic to death like what she did sometime when we talked about her illnesses. The topic about death is forbidden in TOUCH session as we do not want the elderlies to develop such negative thinking. Maybe in future, even though we are concerned about their illnesses, we should also try to cut down on this kind of topic that can link to death. So, immediately we try to change the topic to something else more happy and relaxing. We decided to give this zhong ren to Choo Min who was sitting beside her. Instead of coming out with a topic, she colluded with Mdm Lim and started bullying the guys. Mdm Lim suan us one by one and said we are bad people. For example, Mdm Lim was telling me that tan skin is good. But suddenly, 0.1sec later, she turned to Jooch and shoot him, saying that he is too white and that’s not good. Mdm Lim was really on TOP FORM that day. She ‘shot’ all the guys down one by one, leaving all of us speechless. She seemed to be enjoying that moment a lot as she kept laughing as she continued to suan us. However, we did not mind at all as long as this can make her happy and bring laughter to her (Haiz… told you all le… Kind hearted is really my weakness). Tong ku de re zi really zhen nan guo, the clock ticked slowly to 12:00pm before we were spared of all the suaning as we needed to proceed to Mdm Tan house le.
Mdm Tan looked very happy when she saw us. As usual she is very hospitable and wanted to offered us drinks and food even before we sat down. And as usual, I will tell her that we ate something before coming up to her house. As Mdm Tan is illiterate, she took out some mails and asked us to help her see what they were about. One of the mails were in fact some post cards, however, we have difficulties explaining the use of the post card to her. Luckily after some attempts we managed to explain to her. After that we started the chit chatting session. As compared to Mdm Lim, I feel that Mdm Tan is much more optimistic, at least she didn’t talk about death and unhappy things. But that day she and Mdm Lim seemed to have one thing in common – that was they were both on form. Mdm Tan seemed to be talking much more that day as compared to last time. There was a point of time when she talked to Khoon Hong and De Rui for quite long. Because she spoke quite softly, I cannot catch what she was talking about even though I tried very hard to listen. This chat continued all the way until 01:00 pm where we had to stop our session and gathered at the void deck for debrief which will round off the TOUCH session for the day…….
Everytime I went to TOUCH, I feel quite sad for the elderly living there. They seemed pitiful living there alone. Moreover, as most of them have difficulties in moving around, this will mean that they will have to stay in their home for most of the time. Staying alone in the house with nothing to do may also allow them to have more time to think of negative things just like Mdm Lim, so our visits would mean alot to them. I can tell that they feel very happy whenever they see us and they appreciate our presence a lot. Maybe we cannot always keep them happy during every visit but our chatting with them and singing for them can make them feel that there are still people out there that care for them and they are not alone. So let’s hope that everyone can continue to TOUCH their hearts with our care and love for them and keep this spirit going….until…… even after we grow old and students from NUS CSC will also come to visit us like what we are doing now…… (Pls don’t be surprise.Yes I am Jun Hui. These are all written by me. Haha)
Everyone pls feel honored because this is my first ever blog entry. Wo ba wo de di yi chi xian gay ni meng le.
Jun Hui
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Since i'm one of the quietest ones in touch, i guess i should make up for my lack of contribution (during debrief sessions and chats with the elderlies) with a post here =P
This week's visit was actually quite meaningful for me, as i was 'upgraded' to sitting beside mdm lim on her chair. To me, that seat has always been reserved for the seniors; for those who know mdm lim well enough, for those who are closest to her. It was quite an honour to have the chance to get closer to an elderly, as she now knew who i was (at least for the session) and would talk directly to me. Maybe this wouldn't mean much to others, but it was really the first time i ever spoke to an elderly in touch, and even have her talk to me as an individual, not someone in the crowd.
Haha felt grateful that i know both canto and hokkien, as mdm lim kept switching to canto today (leaving the majority in our hokkien group clueless), and even took advantage of that to share secrets with the ones who know canto =P The terrible thing is that i can't really differentiate when she's switching between the 2 languages, so my mind gets jumbled up with canto and hokkien, and i can't think of what i want to say without mixing them up. But at least mdm lim didn't mind me just nodding in response =P (observation: i think mdm lim prefers speaking canto..)
Seems like the elderlies really enjoy hearing us sing too, as mdm lim kept requesting us to sing for her today. I guess the sound of singing voices filling up a room really cheers people up; music soothes the soul =) It's really a good idea to incorporate songs/music into the session..
Glad to see that both mdm lim and mdm tan were in good spirits today, chatting away and cracking jokes with us. Hope that the elderlies will continue to stay healthy and maintain their positive outlook! May all volunteers find your visits worthwhile too!
Choo Min
This week's visit was actually quite meaningful for me, as i was 'upgraded' to sitting beside mdm lim on her chair. To me, that seat has always been reserved for the seniors; for those who know mdm lim well enough, for those who are closest to her. It was quite an honour to have the chance to get closer to an elderly, as she now knew who i was (at least for the session) and would talk directly to me. Maybe this wouldn't mean much to others, but it was really the first time i ever spoke to an elderly in touch, and even have her talk to me as an individual, not someone in the crowd.
Haha felt grateful that i know both canto and hokkien, as mdm lim kept switching to canto today (leaving the majority in our hokkien group clueless), and even took advantage of that to share secrets with the ones who know canto =P The terrible thing is that i can't really differentiate when she's switching between the 2 languages, so my mind gets jumbled up with canto and hokkien, and i can't think of what i want to say without mixing them up. But at least mdm lim didn't mind me just nodding in response =P (observation: i think mdm lim prefers speaking canto..)
Seems like the elderlies really enjoy hearing us sing too, as mdm lim kept requesting us to sing for her today. I guess the sound of singing voices filling up a room really cheers people up; music soothes the soul =) It's really a good idea to incorporate songs/music into the session..
Glad to see that both mdm lim and mdm tan were in good spirits today, chatting away and cracking jokes with us. Hope that the elderlies will continue to stay healthy and maintain their positive outlook! May all volunteers find your visits worthwhile too!
Choo Min
Monday, October 08, 2007
The extremely-hot Touch MAF Celebration
to intro myself, i'm an old bird called chloe. but i can still fly, and i WILL fly back to Touch when i dont have to work on saturdays (which will be rare; whine...)
After a 5-month absence, I made my way towards the same old meeting place, to be greeted by a bunch of new faces, some old birds like me flapping around still, a PA system in the corner which a lot of people were doodling with, bags of goodies, and a ring of plastic chairs. This was no typical Touch gathering, but festivity was in the air as we prepared to bring the elderly down to the void deck and celebrate the mid-autumn festival with them. Soon the Canto Couple came downstairs, so enthusiastic were they. So up we went, to invite (and in the case of Mdm Lim, persuade) the eldery to come downstairs for the celebration.
I guess the elderly felt excited; you could see it in their faces. Something different, something to look forward to, something to talk about after. As they took their seats and bade greetings to each other, one could sense this warm feeling of neighbourliness, and anticipation for the celebration that was about to unfold. Finally the elderly got distributed their Bingo papers and started filling them up. Most of them were encouraged to try to fill it in themselves, and I felt this sense of sadness as I saw them clasping their pens with trembling fingers, painstakingly writing out a numeral in their shaky handwriting. I was with the Canto Couple, and it was very encouraging to see the uncle balance the mooncake box on his lap for a table and write numbers so slowly and carefully. The canto aunty got mixed up and lost count, which generated a lot of laughs. She is very amazing too, for she has not learnt to read and write, yet she tries so hard. Perseverance and patience.
The elderly love to play bingo. With each announcement of the magic number, they search frantically, calling us volunteers to point out to them the numbers. Sometimes jooch's eyes are too small he also cannot see the numbers. When we saw it, we would tell her to look carefully, and not directly show her. I feel that that made her more independent. They really threw themselves into the game. They have such a competitive spirit; peeking at their neighbour's to see how many they have left. Counting and re-counting how many more numbers left to strike off, shouting out the numbers they hope to be called. Really amusing to see them, and their enthusiasm is so catchy that us volunteers got excited too, rooting for them. Uncle Xiqian started shouting out numbers in hope that they would be called, but was slighted by emcee Derui. In the end, everyone got a prize. I laugh at the simplicity of it all, and the joy and pride they got when they completed Bingo, and got their prize – a lantern and a mooncake.
Next they played pass-the-parcel, which went a couple of rounds. There was this amusing aunty who refused to take the box from lixian, only to shove it on to zhenqin. This was mimicked by the Canto Uncle, and it was really very amusing to see him so mischievous, a side which i had not seen before. See, although he has dementia, he can still understand playfulness, humor. Layer after layer of papers came off, finally to reveal a huge box of biscuits which some delighted aunty took home proudly. (that generated a lot of ooohs and ahhhhhs and whoaaaaaas.) And lixian did her dance. And dragged 2 poor others into it. Hahahha. Lixian... you certainly bring smiles wherever you go.. =)
the next segment probably got the elderly the most hyped up of all. The song-singing time. Lixian went on stage to sing the hokkien song ai piah zai eh yar. But guess what, she got drowned out by the chorus of elderly heartedly singing away. And there were actions too!!! I have never seen our elderly so energetic, so lively. It seemed like they were so young again, reliving their youth as they sang (or shouted) to this favourite song. The rest of the songs had them clapping along, or being amazed by the wonderful voice of our superstar Derui. (he can reach high octaves. And go very mellow also. Amazing. *end of praising derui)
Soon, everything drew to a close, and we gather to sing our Sept and Oct babies a birthday song. Took a happy group photo of all of us grinning away, and then we led our elderly back to their homes, admist profuse thankyous and goodbyes. We brought mdm lim upstairs, and chatted to her a bit. she still recognizes me as the pui-eok girl (pharmacist). feel so touched she remembers, and feel so helpless that i cant see her when i would dearly love to.
I dont know when i wont be working on saturdays again to be able to come for Touch, dont know when i can see them all again. Will they still be able, to smile, to engage cognitively with us? As Mdm lim held my hand when we said goodbye, and closed her door, i know that she will be in good hands, in the hands of these juniors who organized such a great show, who truly care for our elderly. Year by year Touch has been improving, and this MAF celebration i daresay is one of the more memorable events. As an old bird, i look with pride at what others have built up over the years, and look with excitement as i see the same passion that fired us, burning in these thoughtful juniors. Well done, for MAF 2007!!!
After a 5-month absence, I made my way towards the same old meeting place, to be greeted by a bunch of new faces, some old birds like me flapping around still, a PA system in the corner which a lot of people were doodling with, bags of goodies, and a ring of plastic chairs. This was no typical Touch gathering, but festivity was in the air as we prepared to bring the elderly down to the void deck and celebrate the mid-autumn festival with them. Soon the Canto Couple came downstairs, so enthusiastic were they. So up we went, to invite (and in the case of Mdm Lim, persuade) the eldery to come downstairs for the celebration.
I guess the elderly felt excited; you could see it in their faces. Something different, something to look forward to, something to talk about after. As they took their seats and bade greetings to each other, one could sense this warm feeling of neighbourliness, and anticipation for the celebration that was about to unfold. Finally the elderly got distributed their Bingo papers and started filling them up. Most of them were encouraged to try to fill it in themselves, and I felt this sense of sadness as I saw them clasping their pens with trembling fingers, painstakingly writing out a numeral in their shaky handwriting. I was with the Canto Couple, and it was very encouraging to see the uncle balance the mooncake box on his lap for a table and write numbers so slowly and carefully. The canto aunty got mixed up and lost count, which generated a lot of laughs. She is very amazing too, for she has not learnt to read and write, yet she tries so hard. Perseverance and patience.
The elderly love to play bingo. With each announcement of the magic number, they search frantically, calling us volunteers to point out to them the numbers. Sometimes jooch's eyes are too small he also cannot see the numbers. When we saw it, we would tell her to look carefully, and not directly show her. I feel that that made her more independent. They really threw themselves into the game. They have such a competitive spirit; peeking at their neighbour's to see how many they have left. Counting and re-counting how many more numbers left to strike off, shouting out the numbers they hope to be called. Really amusing to see them, and their enthusiasm is so catchy that us volunteers got excited too, rooting for them. Uncle Xiqian started shouting out numbers in hope that they would be called, but was slighted by emcee Derui. In the end, everyone got a prize. I laugh at the simplicity of it all, and the joy and pride they got when they completed Bingo, and got their prize – a lantern and a mooncake.
Next they played pass-the-parcel, which went a couple of rounds. There was this amusing aunty who refused to take the box from lixian, only to shove it on to zhenqin. This was mimicked by the Canto Uncle, and it was really very amusing to see him so mischievous, a side which i had not seen before. See, although he has dementia, he can still understand playfulness, humor. Layer after layer of papers came off, finally to reveal a huge box of biscuits which some delighted aunty took home proudly. (that generated a lot of ooohs and ahhhhhs and whoaaaaaas.) And lixian did her dance. And dragged 2 poor others into it. Hahahha. Lixian... you certainly bring smiles wherever you go.. =)
the next segment probably got the elderly the most hyped up of all. The song-singing time. Lixian went on stage to sing the hokkien song ai piah zai eh yar. But guess what, she got drowned out by the chorus of elderly heartedly singing away. And there were actions too!!! I have never seen our elderly so energetic, so lively. It seemed like they were so young again, reliving their youth as they sang (or shouted) to this favourite song. The rest of the songs had them clapping along, or being amazed by the wonderful voice of our superstar Derui. (he can reach high octaves. And go very mellow also. Amazing. *end of praising derui)
Soon, everything drew to a close, and we gather to sing our Sept and Oct babies a birthday song. Took a happy group photo of all of us grinning away, and then we led our elderly back to their homes, admist profuse thankyous and goodbyes. We brought mdm lim upstairs, and chatted to her a bit. she still recognizes me as the pui-eok girl (pharmacist). feel so touched she remembers, and feel so helpless that i cant see her when i would dearly love to.
I dont know when i wont be working on saturdays again to be able to come for Touch, dont know when i can see them all again. Will they still be able, to smile, to engage cognitively with us? As Mdm lim held my hand when we said goodbye, and closed her door, i know that she will be in good hands, in the hands of these juniors who organized such a great show, who truly care for our elderly. Year by year Touch has been improving, and this MAF celebration i daresay is one of the more memorable events. As an old bird, i look with pride at what others have built up over the years, and look with excitement as i see the same passion that fired us, burning in these thoughtful juniors. Well done, for MAF 2007!!!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
A Special Day in Touch - Mid Autumn Festival
Hallo everyone!
Today is my turn to write a quick summary! Anyway, for those who do not know me, i am joo chuan, one of the seniors and one of the shortest in touch.
And yesterday we had a superb day in touch celebrating MAF! Kudos to the organizers!
Anyway, we arrived punctually at the center, and were despatched to bring the elderly down. As usual, i went up to find mdm lim. Mdm lim seemed more excited than us! She even wore nicer clothes than usual. She said she took a dose of medicine before the event, just so that she won't feel that painful. We brought her down to touch center, and they were chatting away so happily..
And our first game started! The game was an extended version of bingo, and the elderly took no time in writing the numbers down. Even this simple game got the elderlies very excited about it. I was talking to mdm chua, and everytime a number shouted correspond to hers, she would say "wu ah! wu ah! di zi dao!" (got ah! got ah! over here!)
And with my luck (and some winking at the organisers), mdm chua won the first prize! Yay! Everytime the elderly win, they would be so elated that they will hold their hand up and wave around. Of coz, everyone won. :)
Next is the pass-the-parcel. Initially I thought, it must be boring for the elderly, to pass the parcel around, and to tear off a piece of paper. But the elderly indeed knows how to entertain themselves better than us. Some even purposely SABOH-ed the volunteers by delaying the parcel passing.
The volunteers who were SABOH-ed also gamely did a dance for the elderly. (You should obviously know who is the dance leader!)
Finally, we had a sing-along session, with the most popular song "Ai piah zai eh yar" . Our sing-along session even gathered more support from other people, and one of the elderly even danced to the songs! Thanks to Lixian, Jasmine, Ailin, and Derui who led us in the songs. :)
We had a final group photo before bringing the elderly back respectively. Can see that both the seniors and the volunteers have enjoyed themselves tremendously in this simple MAF event. Definitely one of the best session i've seen so far. :)
Okay, enough talking. For those who missed the event, do not be too disappointed, for there'd be more to come, hor? And I took 2 photos from my hp, so hope to share the joy with everyone. :)

Today is my turn to write a quick summary! Anyway, for those who do not know me, i am joo chuan, one of the seniors and one of the shortest in touch.
And yesterday we had a superb day in touch celebrating MAF! Kudos to the organizers!
Anyway, we arrived punctually at the center, and were despatched to bring the elderly down. As usual, i went up to find mdm lim. Mdm lim seemed more excited than us! She even wore nicer clothes than usual. She said she took a dose of medicine before the event, just so that she won't feel that painful. We brought her down to touch center, and they were chatting away so happily..
And our first game started! The game was an extended version of bingo, and the elderly took no time in writing the numbers down. Even this simple game got the elderlies very excited about it. I was talking to mdm chua, and everytime a number shouted correspond to hers, she would say "wu ah! wu ah! di zi dao!" (got ah! got ah! over here!)
And with my luck (and some winking at the organisers), mdm chua won the first prize! Yay! Everytime the elderly win, they would be so elated that they will hold their hand up and wave around. Of coz, everyone won. :)
Next is the pass-the-parcel. Initially I thought, it must be boring for the elderly, to pass the parcel around, and to tear off a piece of paper. But the elderly indeed knows how to entertain themselves better than us. Some even purposely SABOH-ed the volunteers by delaying the parcel passing.
The volunteers who were SABOH-ed also gamely did a dance for the elderly. (You should obviously know who is the dance leader!)
Finally, we had a sing-along session, with the most popular song "Ai piah zai eh yar" . Our sing-along session even gathered more support from other people, and one of the elderly even danced to the songs! Thanks to Lixian, Jasmine, Ailin, and Derui who led us in the songs. :)
We had a final group photo before bringing the elderly back respectively. Can see that both the seniors and the volunteers have enjoyed themselves tremendously in this simple MAF event. Definitely one of the best session i've seen so far. :)
Okay, enough talking. For those who missed the event, do not be too disappointed, for there'd be more to come, hor? And I took 2 photos from my hp, so hope to share the joy with everyone. :)

Saturday, October 06, 2007
Impressive visit
Terence is just too busy then he asked me to post his experience for him.
For the 22nd September CSC Touch Visit-
" I was impressed that the more experienced volunteers divided the chores very well. More hands make work light!
After helping madam Ong with her chores, we had some time for casual chit-chat and even a mini- exchange program for origami: We demonstrated folding paper cranes while she taught us to create paper dustbins! There are always so many things that we could learn from our beneficiaries.
I am looking forward to next opportunity for me to come down here because the visit is really the way too meaningful to me."
For the 22nd September CSC Touch Visit-
" I was impressed that the more experienced volunteers divided the chores very well. More hands make work light!
After helping madam Ong with her chores, we had some time for casual chit-chat and even a mini- exchange program for origami: We demonstrated folding paper cranes while she taught us to create paper dustbins! There are always so many things that we could learn from our beneficiaries.
I am looking forward to next opportunity for me to come down here because the visit is really the way too meaningful to me."
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